


The Miscellaneous category is for a wide variety of questions and answers that we find important, but that have not found a home in one of our specific categories.

14,575 Questions

Who was king Pacal?

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Asked by Wiki User

King Pacal is one of the greatest kings of the Maya. He was born in 603 A.D. in the City of Palenque. He was a King at the age of 6, and became of ruler of the Maya at the age of 12, enthroned by his mother, Lady Zac-kuk. His reign lasted for 67 years, he died at the age of 80.

What is stopping people from achieving the American dream?

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Asked by Wiki User

Great question!

I was working in corporate America and I am talking a fortune 50 company and HATED it. The money was good however I wanted to be with my family and enjoy my life so I decided to start looking at things differently

I did this cool training program that helped me get over my money issues and start making bank real quick. It's all about using proven money-making strategies and listening to these custom audio tracks to rewire your brain for success. Plus, I learned some awesome business tips that really boosted my hustle game. I supercharged my online presence successfully by using cool strategies and techniques that let me shine in all my glory.

Check out the link in my bio and everything gets easy!! I swear the American Dream is not dead!

What is a functional document?

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Asked by Wiki User

A functional specification in systems engineering and software development is a document that specifies the functions that a system or component must perform.

Is an angle that measures 78 degrees acute or obtuse?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angle greater than 90 is Obtuse.

Therefore 78 is obtuse angle

What is jonny zucker's life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jonny Zucker is a children's book author who has written numerous books for young readers, spanning a wide range of genres and topics. His work is known for its engaging storytelling and imaginative plots, making him a popular choice among children and educators alike. Zucker's passion for writing and connecting with young readers is evident in his body of work, which continues to inspire and entertain audiences worldwide.

Why do angels live in heaven?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angels are traditionally believed to live in heaven because it is seen as a realm of pure goodness, divine presence, and spiritual perfection. Heaven is often considered the abode of God and angels, a place of eternal peace and harmony where these celestial beings can be close to the divine presence.

Which way are we facing up or down?

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Asked by 1Hey1

We are facing up relative to the ground and down relative to the sky.

Can a foo pet die?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a foo pet cannot die as they are virtual pets in a game or online platform. They do not have physical bodies, so they cannot experience death.

Who was Samanguru?

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Asked by Wiki User

Samanguru was a Mongol military commander who served under Genghis Khan. He played a key role in the Mongol invasions of Central Asia and was known for his military prowess and leadership abilities. However, he was eventually executed by Genghis Khan for disobeying orders.

Why do you keep waking up at 333 am?

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Asked by Wiki User

Waking up at 3:33 am could be due to various factors like stress, anxiety, poor sleeping habits, or your body's internal clock. Try creating a bedtime routine, reducing screen time before bed, and managing stress to improve your sleep. If the issue persists, consider consulting a healthcare professional.

Who is the mighty of the zord?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mighty of the zord is typically known as the central or most powerful component of a zord formation in the Power Rangers series. It is often the largest and strongest zord that plays a key role in defeating enemies.

Why do you have three shadows?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have three shadows because the light sources around me are positioned in a way that creates multiple shadow projections. The angles and intensities of the light from different sources contribute to the formation of these additional shadows.

What is onomonophobia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Onomatophobia is the fear of hearing certain words or specific sounds. It is a type of specific phobia that can cause anxiety or distress when exposed to trigger sounds or words. Treatment may involve therapy to help manage and reduce the fear response.

What is the transparency for augite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Augite typically has low to medium transparency. Its color ranges from black to dark green or brown, which contributes to its opaque to translucent appearance. When examined under a light source, some sections of augite may exhibit slight transparency, but overall it is not considered a highly transparent mineral.

What is the meaning of a star 18kt jewelry?

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Asked by Wiki User

A star 18kt jewelry piece indicates that the jewelry is made with 18 karat gold, which means it is 75% pure gold mixed with other metals for durability. The star likely refers to a design element incorporated into the jewelry piece.

How do you eat the International Space Station?

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Asked by Wiki User

The International Space Station is not meant to be eaten. It is a research facility in space where astronauts live and work. Food for astronauts on the ISS comes in sealed containers and is specially prepared to be easy to eat in a microgravity environment.

Is it right to hang a dead deer in public?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hanging a dead deer in public may be inappropriate due to hygiene and public health concerns. It could also be disturbing or offensive to people passing by. It's generally best to handle the disposal of dead animals discreetly and in accordance with local regulations.

Is the dollar with the star worth money?

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Asked by Wiki User

A dollar bill with a star in the serial number is known as a "replacement note" and is typically worth more to collectors than its face value. The value depends on the condition and rarity of the specific note.

What is nocturnal dreaming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nocturnal dreaming refers to the experience of having vivid, imaginative, and immersive mental experiences during sleep, typically occurring during the REM stage of the sleep cycle. These dreams can involve a range of experiences, emotions, and sensations that may feel real to the dreamer.

Why are skyscrapers covered in glass?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glass is used for skyscrapers because it allows natural light to enter the building, reducing the need for artificial lighting and cutting down on energy costs. Glass also provides great views and creates a modern and sleek aesthetic for the building. Additionally, advances in glass technology allow for better insulation and energy efficiency in skyscrapers.

What is lygrophobia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lygrophobia is the fear of darkness. People with lygrophobia may experience anxiety, panic attacks, or physical symptoms like sweating or trembling in dark or poorly lit environments. Treatment for lygrophobia may involve therapy, medication, or exposure techniques to help manage the fear.

How much will a two thousand and three 100 dollar bill with a star be worth in twenty years?

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Asked by Wiki User

The value of a 2003 $100 bill with a star could increase over time due to its rarity and collectors' interest. However, predicting its exact worth in twenty years is uncertain and can vary based on market conditions, demand, and the bill's condition. It's worth researching similar notes and consulting with experts in currency collecting for a more accurate estimation.

Was keplar killed brahe?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is a historical anecdote suggesting that Kepler might have caused Tycho Brahe's death by poisoning, though this is disputed among historians. Brahe died in 1601, and Kepler then assumed his position as Imperial Mathematician. However, there is no definitive evidence to prove this theory.

How do you repair a broken zipper?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try fixing a broken zipper by lubricating the zipper teeth with soap or a wax candle to help it slide smoothly. If the zipper slider is the issue, gently try to realign or replace it with a new one. If these methods don't work, consider taking it to a professional tailor for repair.

What is a medium close up?

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Asked by Wiki User

A medium close up shot in film or photography shows the subject from the chest or shoulders up. It is used to capture the subject's facial expressions and emotions more closely than a medium shot. This type of shot is often used in film to convey intimacy or emotional intensity.