


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

500 Questions

How is political science related to other social science?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political science is related to other social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, and economics, as it examines the behavior and systems within political contexts. It often incorporates elements of these disciplines to analyze power dynamics, decision-making processes, and societal structures that influence political outcomes. By studying these interconnections, political science provides a comprehensive understanding of how politics and society interact.

Do older women check out college boys?

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Asked by Wiki User


Some do and some don't. This is a generalization of enormous magnitude. The group of "older women" is HUGE, and is made up of a wide variety of individuals - each woman with her own preferences. Some of them may have preferred older men their whole lives so there is no reason they would ever even look at a younger guy. Some of them may have been perverts their whole lives and actually spend their time checking out high-school or even younger boys. The majority fall in between these two. Most prefer people their own age but that's just a matter of preference. I'm sure there are all kinds of varying degrees in between as well, such as older women who have a thing for one college guy and could care less about the rest. And there are a few that may have a thing for college guys in general.

My point is, a question like this is like asking if older women like hamburgers. Neither the "older women" nor the "hamburgers" fall into a distinct group, so the question is pretty general. That makes a concise answer difficult.


Hell yeah. The saying I like is you can look at the menu you just can't eat. That doesn't mean that women in their 50's can't be with a guy in his 20's. It depends where she is at in her life. If she just got out of a 30 year sour marriage, a young stallion may be her thing. If she has had yo-yo relationships and wants to go even younger, then a college guy will do. Lets face it. Most college guys aren't ready to settle down, and they would be into getting with an older woman just as much as she might be into getting with them....

Yes, yes and yes! I'm in my late 30s and since turning 30 I have been propositione

d by guys no less than 12 years my junior. At first I thought it was a fluke, then I started to see a pattern. Now, I mostly check out younger guys and almost exclusively date them.

What is the behaviorist view of language acquisition?

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The behaviorist view of language acquisition is that children learn language by receiving reinforcement from their parents after speaking correctly (operant conditioning). If a child's parents become ecstatic when the child says "mama", the child will want to continue speaking to get the same positive reaction. If a child gets a sip of milk after saying "milk", the speech is reinforced, and the child learns that it can get what it wants by saying so.

Which is an example of antiracist behavior?

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An example of antiracist behavior is actively challenging and speaking out against racist attitudes and actions, as well as supporting and advocating for policies and practices that promote equity and inclusivity for all individuals, especially those from marginalized communities.

How do you soothe a tongue bite?

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You can soothe a tongue bite by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water, applying a cold compress to reduce swelling, and taking over-the-counter pain medication if needed. Avoid eating spicy or acidic foods that may irritate the area further. If the pain persists or the bite does not heal, seek medical attention.

What are three reasons why people migrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

People migrate for better job opportunities, to escape persecution or conflict in their home country, and to reunite with family members who have already migrated.

What are economic reasons why people migrate?

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People often migrate for economic opportunities such as higher wages, better job prospects, and overall improvement in their standard of living. They may also seek to escape poverty, lack of economic resources, or to support their families financially by working in other countries with stronger economies.

What was the main reason why the bantu people were forced to migrate?

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The main reasons for Bantu migrations were population pressures, environmental changes like droughts, and the search for better land for agriculture. Additionally, conflicts with neighboring tribes and the desire to access new resources and trading opportunities also contributed to their migration.

What do you call a person that eats other people?

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A person who eats other people is called a cannibal. This is a rare and illegal practice, often associated with extreme cases of survival or mental illness.

When a crime is directed at certain persons because they are disliked or engage in behavior some people may find offensive the offenders sometimes neutralizes their wrongdoing by maintaining that it?

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was a hate crime aimed at specific individuals due to their perceived characteristics or behaviors. This justification is often used to exploit biases and discrimination against certain groups in society. However, these acts are still considered criminal and punishable under the law.

What is the greatest threat to the survival of the human species?

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Some of the greatest threats to the survival of the human species include climate change, nuclear warfare, pandemics, and biodiversity loss. These issues have the potential to have catastrophic consequences on a global scale and require urgent attention and action to mitigate their impacts.

Where did the idea of the death penalty come from?

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The idea of the death penalty dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Code of Hammurabi in Mesopotamia and the Twelve Tables in Rome. These early laws prescribed death as a punishment for serious crimes, setting the precedent for its use in legal systems around the world over time.

Why do people engage in criminal behavior?

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People may engage in criminal behavior due to various factors such as social influences, economic disparities, lack of opportunities, mental health issues, or personal moral beliefs. Additionally, some individuals may perceive benefits or rewards in committing crimes, or may have a sense of power or control from engaging in such behavior.

What makes us different to animals?

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Humans are differentiated from animals by their ability for complex thought, self-awareness, advanced language skills, and the capacity to create and use tools. Additionally, humans have culturally transmitted knowledge, the ability to plan for the future, and a sense of morality and ethics that guide their behavior.

What theories suggest that crime is the end product of factors such as inappropriate socialization and social learning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social learning theory and differential association theory suggest that crime is the result of inappropriate socialization and exposure to deviant behaviors. These theories propose that individuals learn criminal behavior through interactions with others and through observing and imitating their actions. The emphasis is on the role of social environment and interactions in shaping criminal behavior.

Is grade 11 anthropology hard?

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Asked by Serenity72

The difficulty of grade 11 anthropology will depend on the individual and their interest in the subject. Some find it challenging due to the amount of new information and concepts to learn, while others may find it easier depending on their prior knowledge and experience with the topic. Generally, staying engaged, completing readings, and seeking help when needed can make the course more manageable.

What is the name of a human who eats other humans?

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A human who eats other humans is called a cannibal.

What is the sexiest anthro animal besides human?

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Beauty is subjective. Some popular choices include wolves, felines, and dragons, as they often embody qualities such as grace, power, and mystique that some find attractive. Ultimately, it depends on personal preferences.

How many people modify their bodies to look like animals?

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There is no accurate data on the number of people who modify their bodies to look like animals, as it is a niche and varied practice. It is considered a form of body modification or identity expression for some individuals, such as through tattoos, piercings, or surgical alterations.

Why do humans get dirty?

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Humans get dirty due to a combination of factors such as exposure to dirt, dust, pollutants, oils from the skin, and sweat. As we go about our daily activities, we come into contact with various surfaces and environments that can transfer grime and bacteria onto our skin and clothes, leading to dirt accumulation.

Do people in jail beat other people up?

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Violence can occur in jails, but not all inmates engage in physical altercations. Factors such as overcrowding, gang activity, and lack of resources can contribute to a higher likelihood of violence. Many correctional facilities have protocols and measures in place to prevent and address violence, but incidents can still occur.

Freud theorized that human instinct is governed by?

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Freud theorized that human instinct is governed by a complex interplay between the id, ego, and superego. The id represents primal instincts and desires, the ego mediates between the id and external reality, and the superego enforces moral and societal standards. Freud believed that conflicts between these psychological forces can lead to anxiety and neurosis.

What are three genetic traits found in human beings?

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Three genetic traits found in human beings include eye color, blood type, and hair texture. These traits are inherited from our parents and are determined by specific genes. Variations in these genes contribute to the diversity of physical traits seen in human populations.

Which field of anthropology that studies human language and communication is called?

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Linguistic anthropology studies the language of a specific ethnic group in a culture.

How does one's preference for nature explanation of human behavior influence the type of social policy that one favors to reduce such problems as crime poverty or violence?

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A preference for a nature explanation of human behavior, which emphasizes genetics and biology as the main determinants, may lead individuals to support social policies focused on initiatives like genetic testing, early childhood interventions, and targeted healthcare to address issues like crime, poverty, and violence. These policies would aim to prevent or mitigate negative behaviors by addressing underlying biological factors and genetic predispositions.