

Shaun White

Shaun White is an American snowboarder and skateboarder. He is the first person to win the Olympic Halfpipe event twice. He also is the only person in the world that perform a "McTwist 1260," a snowboarding trick he invented.

102 Questions

Which is the best trick?

the best trick ever is to give your sister a fire ball and wachyour sister burn away

Where does Shaun White train?

idk but it must be a lot seeing how talented he is i would say may be and this is just a guesstamite but maybe about 14 hours a day

When did Shaun White become a pro skateboarder?

Shaun White has been snowboarding since he was six years old. He received his first sponsorship at age seven, and he won his first Olympic gold metal in 2006. He also won gold in the 2010 Olympics.

How do you unlock Shaun White in Shaun White snowboarding for wii?

You have to get all the golden crowns for a mountain and you should unlock them!

What kind of skate board does Shaun White have?

His own pro models through Burton. Right now he rides the operator which he designed and he has some mystery board he rides in the pipe.

Where is Shaun White now?

He first started skiing at the age of four with his older brother. His mom (Cathy) attempted to slow him down and made him snowboard, but it actually made him go even faster.

What are all of Shaun White's sponsors?

burton, oakley, targer, hp, red bull, adio, and birdhouse skateboards, no wonder the kids got mad dough.

How many medals has Shaun White won in the Olympics?

She won the gold medal on balance beam- the only gold that she won.

Is Shaun White a regular or goofy?

GOOFY, Definatley. But in a good way. He's very laid back and performs better that way. He's just a young guy who loves to have fun. I think it says a lot about someone when he or she loves what they do and can be comfortable enough to joke around and still get their job done.

What is Shaun White's signature move?

The double mctwist 1260

How old was Shaun White when he started to skateboard?

I'm pretty sure he was 4 when he started and went pro when he was 13

no he was 6 when he started

wow guys thanks for the answer... :P how are we suppose to know... cause the truth is 5 years old so... you guys are way off

What is the tattoo on Shaun White's arm?

Actually, Shaun White has three different tattoos. He has one on his forearm, one on his chest of a sword, and one on his stomach.

Who is Shaun White's high school attended?

He goes to California State University of San Marcos.

Where is Shaun White from?

First of all, it's Shawn Johnson. She grew up in and still lives in Iowa.