How do you get blowovers in NASCAR 2011 the game?
Oh, dude, getting blowovers in NASCAR 2011 is like trying to find your keys in the dark - you just stumble upon them. Basically, if you drive like a maniac and catch some air at the right angle, you might just witness a spectacular blowover. But hey, remember, it's just a game, so don't go trying this stuff on the highway.
Why did robert swindells dedicate his book stone cold to bob cryer?
Ah, dedications are beautiful ways to show appreciation and respect for someone special. Robert Swindells dedicated his book "Stone Cold" to Bob Cryer as a way to honor their friendship and the support Bob provided during the writing process. It's heartwarming to see authors acknowledge the important people in their lives through dedications like this.
How do you do a bicycle kick in FIFA for psp?
To perform a bicycle kick in FIFA for PSP, you typically need to be in a good position in front of the goal with a high-rated player who has the "Flair" trait. When the ball is crossed into the box, press the shoot button (usually the circle button) and the player will attempt a bicycle kick if the conditions are right. Timing and player positioning are crucial for successfully executing a bicycle kick in the game.
How do self alley opp nba 2k13 psp?
Honey, I don't know if you're trying to speak in code or if autocorrect had a field day with your question. If you're asking how to perform a self alley-oop in NBA 2K13 on PSP, I suggest checking the game's manual or looking up some tutorials online. Good luck, sugar!
How do you unlock stone cold on WWE 2010?
Oh, dude, unlocking Stone Cold in WWE 2010 is like finding the holy grail of wrestling video games. You gotta complete all the challenges in the Road to WrestleMania mode with any character, and then you'll finally hear that glass shatter and see Stone Cold stomp his way into the ring. It's not rocket science, but hey, it's still pretty cool.
What football team play at sanderson park?
Ah, what a delightful question! Sanderson Park is home to the local team, the Sanderson Bears. They play with such joy and spirit, bringing the community together in a beautiful way. Just imagine the happy little fans cheering them on under the bright sun - it's a sight to behold!
How do you get level 5 girlfriend on jumpers for goalposts 3?
Oh, isn't that just a happy little question? To get a level 5 girlfriend in Jumpers for Goalposts 3, you'll want to focus on building a strong connection with your in-game partner. Spend time together, listen to her needs, and show your affection through kind gestures. Remember, relationships are like a beautiful painting - they take time, patience, and love to flourish.
In FIFA 09 in manager mode is it possible to buy players from clubs who don't have enough players?
In FIFA 09's manager mode, it is not possible to buy players from clubs that do not have enough players. The game restricts player transfers to realistic scenarios where clubs have a sufficient number of players to maintain a competitive squad. This limitation is in place to maintain the integrity and balance of the gameplay experience.
How do you make batista caw in wwf no mercy?
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To create a Batista CAW in WWF No Mercy, start by selecting a wrestler with a similar body type to Batista. Then, use the game's create-a-wrestler mode to adjust the attire, moves, and entrance to match Batista's style. Remember, there are no mistakes in art, just happy little accidents!
How do you drag your opponent onto the table in smackdown vs raw 2009?
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! To drag your opponent onto the table in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, you'll want to first weaken them a bit with some powerful moves. Once they're dazed, simply approach them and press the designated button for dragging. Remember, the key is to be patient and gentle with your moves, just like when painting a beautiful landscape.
What is an orange leg for smackdown vs raw 2011?
In the video game "SmackDown vs. Raw 2011," an "orange leg" likely refers to a specific body part targeting mechanic within the game. In wrestling video games, targeting specific body parts can weaken opponents and set them up for signature moves or submissions. The orange color may indicate a body part that has been significantly damaged or weakened, making it more susceptible to further attacks. Players can strategically focus on these orange legs to gain an advantage in matches.
How can you dunk in air raid basketball?
first u need timing how u can reach that red area in other mean (Dank) this is how drank with perfect...first i just walk( >) when i almost reach that read area about 4-5 steps i use another key to run or Space( Space) when i reach that read area i Jump or( ^ ) while u in the air HOLD (Space+Down key) Hold It When u almost hit the net Then Double Click your Space key... Ill make It easy For You follow this step ( >) (Space+ Run(>) ( jump(^) ( hold down key(v) + (Space) (Hit the net (Space)..gud luck very much
An O7 ion is a hypothetical charged particle that would consist of seven oxygen atoms with a charge of -7. This ion is not commonly found in nature but may be formed under extreme experimental conditions in a laboratory setting.
Why is the shotgun triple stack not found in Illinois playbook in NCAA Football 08?
It's possible that the shotgun triple stack formation was not included in the Illinois playbook for NCAA Football 08 due to licensing agreements, limitations on playbook selections, or the development team's focus on other formations that were perceived to be more popular or widely used in real-life college football at the time.
How do you change you superstar's ego in Madden 11?
I hear that if you do well in the interviews, like saying good things about the TEAM, not yourself, helps. also, firing agents and complaining to coaches is bad for your Ego i think.
answer all the interview questions, just like a good person would, and when you talk to your agent dont taunt the other team, and go to practice.
How do you win every game on nba 2k11?
There is no way to win every match in fifa 09. The only way to have a 90% chance is to play till your thumbs break and actually "get good at it"
How do you get more stars in smack down vs raw 2009 xbox 360?
This depends how far you are now. If you have unlocked specialty match types ( cage, ladder , tabble, extreme rules etc) use these. The longer you compete in the match and for example in an extreme rules match if you use plenty of weapons over a long time you tend to get 5 star matches often.
How do you deke NHL 09 on Xbox 360?
Tap LB and move the right joystick different directions. You can also hold LT while doing that and your guy will do different things. Just go to practice mode and try them with only 1 defender.
Can you use created players in online franchise for Madden NFL 10?
Yes, you can use created players in "Online Franchise" on Madden NFL 2010.
How do you put your created players on a team?
First, after you create your player, go to "free agents" and he will be there. Click assign to team and choose the team you want him to be on. If there are already 25 players on that team, release a player from the minor leagues. Assign your created player to that team then bring him up to the majors.
If you die in the abyss do you lose your stuff on runescape?
if you die with a skull over your head (if you have attacked a player in the wilderness unprovoked in the last 30 minutes) then you drop all of your items, unless you have the "protect one item" prayer. This protects the item with the most "high level alchemy" value, as is with most other situations. If you are not 'skulled' you keep your 3 most "high level alchemy" valued items (plus the extra if using the protect item prayer).
However there are some "safe" minigames that let you keep all of your items upon death such as Castle Wars and Fist of Guthix. Hope this helps/helped!
the best way to get all the hidden characters is to cheat, but if ur one of those goodie two shoes who doesn't cheat then.........................I got nothin for yeah. if u want to get Jp and Eddie and all those guys from the past games then i would go to its a great site for cheats but has horrible critics!