


The English term 'dictatorship' means a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator, not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc. Throughout history, there have been famous dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein.

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What is most likely to occur in a dictatorship?

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In a dictatorship, the ruler has absolute power, restricting individual freedoms such as freedom of speech, assembly, and press. Opposition is often suppressed, leading to limited political participation and human rights abuses. Decisions are concentrated in the hands of the dictator or ruling party, often resulting in inequality and lack of accountability.

Does Kenya have a democracy or a dictatorship?

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Kenya has a democracy. It is a presidential representative democratic republic with a multi-party system, where the President serves as both the head of state and government. Elections are held regularly to choose the country's leaders.

What problems do refugees cause in hosting countries?

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Lots. You have economic strain, as you are taking in thousands of people that will need government assistance to get started again. Then you may have political strain in how to deal with the refugees and what rights they may have in your country. You may also have racial tensions if the refugees are of a race that is not like in your country. You may also have religious tensions if the refugees are of a religion that is not tolerant or if the dominant religion in your country is not tolerant.

What kind of personality traits would a dictator have?

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A dictator may exhibit traits such as authoritarianism, narcissism, manipulation, aggression, and a tendency to control others. They may also display characteristics of ruthlessness, disregard for human rights, and an inflated sense of self-importance.

What country has the worlds largest dictatorship government?

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North Korea is commonly cited as having one of the most oppressive dictatorships in the world under the rule of the Kim dynasty. The government controls nearly every aspect of its citizens' lives and suppresses any dissenting voices.

Do you vote for a dictator?

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No, dictators are not elected through democratic processes, so there is no opportunity for voting. Dictatorships typically involve the concentration of power in the hands of one individual, often through force or coercion.

What are the similarities between democracy and dictatorship?

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Dictatorship and Democracy are both form of governance. Dictatorship is ruled by a tyrant leader while Democracy is ruled by the majority and is for the common welfare of its subjects. The similarity between the two is that they are widely seen as a type of governance and such cannot exist without its subject or citizen to be ruled upon.

Similarities are very few between the two, however, both are forms of political control. Democracy and dictatorship both involve a central figure of authority, since there is not "true" form of democracy. An example, Obama and Mussolini are both central authoritative figures. If we were talking about a true democracy, a similarity could lie in the fact that neither are very effective. Whereas a true democracy would get nothing done because of disagreement, a dictatorship might make all of the wrong decisions because there is no dissent. They're are both ineffective forms of extreme governing.

What did Marx call the dictatorship of the proletariat?

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Marx referred to the dictatorship of the proletariat as a temporary transitionary phase during which the working class seizes control of the state to dismantle capitalism and establish a socialist society. In this phase, the proletariat holds political power to reshape the economic system and ultimately achieve a classless society.

Why do you think that Marx's dictatorship of the proletariat did not happen?

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There are many potential reasons why Marx's concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat did not materialize as he envisioned. Some possible factors include the rise of other political ideologies, the varying interpretations and implementations of Marxist theory by different leaders and movements, and societal and economic conditions that may not have aligned with Marx's predictions. Additionally, the complex nature of governance and revolutionary movements can lead to divergent outcomes from what was initially envisioned.

Dictator in George Orwells 1984?

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The dictator in George Orwell's 1984 is Big Brother, who leads the totalitarian regime of the Party in Oceania. Big Brother is a symbol of the government's omnipresent surveillance and control over the citizens through propaganda, thought control, and fear tactics. His image is displayed everywhere as a reminder of his authority and power.

How do leaders become leaders in a dictatorship?

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Dictators gain power by a variety of routes. Hitler, for example, ran for office, and without winning a majority managed to make a deal with the person in charge of the election, President Hindenburg, and only after taking office, declared a national emergency and assumed dictatorial powers. So you can be voted in, you can also seize power by force in a coup d'etat, or you can be selected by a self-perpetuating oligarchy, which is how the communist party in China still functions to this day.

What is the meaning behind Every Dictator's Nightmare?

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"Every Dictator's Nightmare" is a phrase that highlights the fear dictators have of an informed and empowered citizenry. It signifies the power of knowledge, unity, and resistance against authoritarian regimes. It implies that educated and empowered individuals can challenge and potentially overthrow dictators, making it their worst nightmare.

What country is a non- communist dictatorship?

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North Korea is often referred to as a non-communist dictatorship, as it operates under a totalitarian regime and is ruled by the Kim dynasty. However, it officially identifies as a socialist state.

Who directed the film 'The Great Dictator'?

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Charlie Chaplin directed the film 'The Great Dictator'.

What form of government is like a dictatorship but has a king or queen who controls everything?

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A government system that combines elements of both a dictatorship and a monarchy is known as an absolute monarchy. In an absolute monarchy, the king or queen holds complete authority and has absolute power over the government and the people. This means that they can make decisions without limitations or constraints, similar to a dictatorship, but their position is inherited rather than acquired through force.

Are dictators elected by the Supreme Court?

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In some cases, dictators may be able to come to power through a process that involves the manipulation of elections or the interference of the Supreme Court. However, it is important to note that dictators typically do not follow democratic processes or adhere to the rule of law. Dictators often seize power through force, coercion, or other undemocratic means.

What does a Dictator do to run the country?

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A dictator holds absolute power in a country and governs without any checks or balances. They make all major decisions, control all branches of government, and suppress opposition. Dictators often rely on authoritarian and oppressive methods to sustain their rule, such as censoring the media, suppressing dissent, and quelling political opposition through force.

Which south American country has a dictatorship?

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In present time, I don´t know about any dictator in South America, although almost ALL governors anywhere are, lol. Well, especially US media say THAT about the president of Venezuela, but about any others that won´t satisfy "their" interests too.

Na atualidade, não sei de ditador algum na América do Sul, embora quase todos OS governantes o sejam, rsrs. Bem, especialmente a mídia dos Estados Unidos dizem isso do presidente da Venezuela, mas de outros que não satisfaçam OS interesses "deles", também.

What are some characteristics of dictatorship?

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Some characteristics of dictatorship include a single ruler or small group holding absolute power, lack of political freedoms and civil liberties, suppression of opposition and dissent, control over media and information, and limited or no elections or a lack of fair and free elections. Dictatorships often exhibit authoritarianism, censorship, and state control over various aspects of society.

When did Dictatorship originate?

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Dictatorship as a form of government originated in ancient Rome, specifically in the 4th century BCE. During times of crisis, a dictator would be appointed to hold absolute power and make quick decisions for the well-being of the state. However, dictatorship has existed in various forms throughout history, predating its formal establishment in Rome.

Why you are in favor of democracy and against dictatorship?

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I am in favor of democracy because it provides equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, encourages participation and representation, and promotes accountability and transparency in government. Dictatorships, on the other hand, concentrate power in the hands of a few, suppress individual freedoms, and often lead to corruption, human rights abuses, and lack of progress. Democracy allows for the peaceful transfer of power and respects the will of the people, making it a better system for fostering stability and prosperity.

How are peoples views taken into account in dictatorship?

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That's the whole point of a dictatorship. Peoples views are NOT taken into account. The dictator dictates the laws they he/she wants. End of story!!!!

In dictatorships the press is often silenced, or only allowed to publish what the dictator wants the public to read. People who try and publish other material are 'shut-down' and/or locked up.

Conversely, the word 'democracy' has it roots in Classical Greece, and means the 'rule or will of the people', ; 'Demos', people and 'Cratos' to rule. Peoples opinions and views are taken into account and the press can publish freely any material its likes. Hence the political leaders of a democratic nation have to make laws that reflect these views and opinions. People are not silenced.

Was a pharaoh an absolute monarch or dictator?

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Absolute monarchy. A dictatorship implies a republican form of government where the leader rules as a "first citizen", whereas in a monarchy, the ruler is a sovereign who embodies the state. Pharaohs fit the latter.