

Canada Politics

Ask questions here about Canada's constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

912 Questions

What Province or territory has a ship in its provincial flag?

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The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has a ship on its provincial flag. The ship is a representation of the historical significance of fishing and seafaring in the region.

Who is the member of Parliament for Scarborough?

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The member of Parliament for Scarborough and Whitby is Robert Goodwill. He has served since 2005.

Should people in Canada be forced to be in military at age 18?

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Compulsory military service is not practiced in Canada. The Canadian Armed Forces are made up of volunteers who choose to enlist.

Why is government so corrupt in canada?

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It is not accurate to say that the government in Canada is inherently corrupt. Like any country, Canada may face instances of corruption, but it has institutions in place to address and prevent corruption. Canada has a strong rule of law, an independent judiciary, and various oversight mechanisms to promote transparency and accountability in the government.

What are the more famous WikiLeaks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the more famous WikiLeaks releases include the Afghan War Diary, Iraq War Logs, Cablegate, and the DNC email leak during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. These releases sparked controversy and shed light on various government operations and communications.

Why did Stephen Harper want to become a politician?

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Stephen Harper wanted to become a politician to bring about conservative policies and changes in Canada. He was drawn to politics as a means to promote his vision for the country and implement his beliefs and values.

Is daurene Lewis dead?

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There is no verifiable information indicating that Daurene Lewis is deceased. She is known for being the first African Nova Scotian woman to be elected as mayor in Canada, serving in Annapolis Royal from 1984 to 1988. It is recommended to check reliable sources for the most up-to-date information about her.

What does universal opposition mean?

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Universal opposition means that every individual or group is in complete disagreement or disapproval of something. It indicates that there is no support or approval from any entity whatsoever.

Does Michaelle jean have sisters brothers?

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Yes. She had a sister .

What is the name of provincial party in power of ontario?

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The Liberal Party of Ontario is the provincial party that forms the Government of Ontario.

The Liberals became the governing party on 23 December 2003, when the Honourable James Bartleman (then the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario) invited the Honourable Dalton McGuinty to become the Premier of Ontario.

What was the General Strike?

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the general strike happened because lots of miners were locked out and campaigned

What is the difference between the Prime Minister and the Governor General?

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The Governor General is the representative of the Crown and serves as Head of State when the Monarch is not in Canada. The position is largely formal and ceremonial.

The Prime Minister is the Head of Government. The position is a political one.

Who was the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in 2008?

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David C. Onley was the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in 2008.

He was appointed by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, the Governor General of Canada, on the advice of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada, on 5 September 2007. He represents Her Majesty the Queen of Canada in Right of Ontario.

How old does a child in Ontario need to be to be at home alone?

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The legal age to stay home alone is 12 years

What party or parties are currently in government in Ireland?

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The current government in the Republic of Ireland, elected in May 2007, is a coalition and consists of three parties: Fianna Fáil, The Green Party and the Progressive Democrats. However the Progressive Democrats has now been wound up, but their representatives are still active in government, including having the current minister of health. A number of independent TDs (A TD is an elected member of the Irish Parliament) also support the government.

Who wanted Canada confederation?

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Many great Canadians wanted Confederation. For Canada West (Ontario) George Brown and John .A. Mcdonald led them to Confederation. For Canada East (Quebec) George Cartier led them. Nova Scotia was led by Charles Tupper. New Brunswick was led by Leonard Tilley. They were the 1st 4 provinces to join confederation. PEI and Newfoundland did not want to join. Newfoundland was the last to join in 1949.

Was Stephen Harper elected by the people of Canada?

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Asked by Wiki User

The polls were closed and counted.


5.4 million voted for Conservative candidates

4.5 million voted for Liberal candidates

2.6 million voted for NDP candidates

1.6 million voted for Bloc Quebecois candidates

0.7 million voted for Green candidates

Is The New Democratic Party in the House of Commons?

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Asked by Runescarpe8

Yes, this past Federal Election saw them form the official opposition for the first time in history.

What prime minister was responsible for making Canada a bilingual country?

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There is no law requiring the prime minister to speak French. For that matter, there is no law requiring the prime minister to speak English either. But for more than a generation, the prime minister from time to time has been able to speak both official languages. The last prime minister to be unilingual English speaking was John George Diefenbaker (1957-1963). (That's Dief, as in chief, followed by en, and then baker.) Diefenbaker used to joke that when he spoke French, every English speaking Canadian knew exactly what he was saying. His pronunciation of the French that was written for him was absolutely dreadful. As a practical political reality, it is now unlikely that anyone would become prime minister who was not bilingual.

Which government pays for health care for all its citizens?

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Anyone who lives in Canada is reqired to pay taxes. These taxes cover healthcare, school funds, building roads etc.

Is Canada two countries?

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No Canada is not 2 Countries. It is ONE.

Quebec though would like to think that they are their own Country within a Country but they are not (and I"m not being a bigot - I may have been born and raised in New Brunswick Canada but my father was born and raised in Quebec and moved to New Brunswick when he joined the Navy and met my mother)

Who is the current Governor General of Canada?

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The current Governor General of Canada is Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette.

Governors General Since Confederation

Julie Payette 2017 - Present

David Johnston 2010 - 2017

Michaëlle Jean 2005 - 2010

Adrienne Clarkson 1999 - 2005

Roméo LeBlanc 1995 - 1999

Ray Hnatyshyn 1990 - 1995

Jeanne Sauvé 1984 - 1990

Edward Schreyer 1979 - 1984

Jules Léger 1974 - 1979

Roland Michener 1967 - 1974

Georges Vanier 1959 - 1967

Vincent Massey 1952 - 1959

The Viscount Alexander of Tunis 1946 - 1952

The Earl of Athlone 1940 - 1946

The Lord Tweedsmuir 1935 - 1940

The Earl of Bessborough 1931 - 1935

The Viscount Willingdon 1926 - 1931

The Lord Byng of Vimy 1921 - 1926

The Duke of Devonshire 1916 - 1921

The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn 1911 - 1916

The Earl Grey 1904 - 1911

The Earl of Minto 1898 - 1904

The Earl of Aberdeen 1893 - 1898

The Lord Stanley of Preston 1888 - 1893

The Marquess of Lansdowne 1883 - 1888

The Marquess of Lorne 1878 - 1883

The Earl of Dufferin 1872 - 1878

The Lord Lisgar 1869 - 1872

The Viscount Monck 1867† - 1868

† The Viscount Monck originally took office in 1861 as Governor General of British North America, and as Captain General and Governor-in-Chief of each of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. He became Governor General of Canada upon Confederation in 1867.