


Family Travel

Traveling with the family and kids can be fun and tiring as well. Here, questions are answered on how to get there, what to pack, how long it will take, and more vital information on family travel. It can't be that bad. You are spending family time together!

1,693 Questions

What would a diagram look like for the question Does salt water boil faster than plain water?

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Asked by Wiki User

A possible diagram could show two separate containers, one filled with plain water and the other with salt water, both being heated. Temperature measurements over time could be plotted on the diagram to show the rate of temperature increase for each type of water. This could help visualize and compare whether salt water boils faster than plain water.

How many miles is it from Fresno to Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The distance from Fresno, California to Texas varies depending on the specific city in Texas, as it is a large state. For example, the distance from Fresno to Houston, Texas is approximately 1,700 miles by road.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the highest an airplane can fly?

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The layer of the atmosphere that commercial airplanes typically fly in is called the troposphere, which extends up to about 11 miles (18 km) high. Beyond the troposphere is the stratosphere, followed by the mesosphere and thermosphere. The highest altitude for a commercial airplane is around 45,000-50,000 feet.

When listenning the location of a place the degree of longitude is alway listed blank?

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Asked by Wiki User

Longitude is typically listed in degrees, minutes, and seconds with the degree symbol as the placeholder. For example, the longitude of a place might be listed as "40° __' __'' W," indicating 40 degrees west. To specify a precise location, minutes and seconds need to be provided.

Dose salt water boils faster than plain water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, salt water boils faster than plain water due to the presence of salt which increases the boiling point of the water. The salt disrupts the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules, making it easier for the water to overcome the forces holding it together and reach its boiling point faster.

Name three metal alloys and a use for each one?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Stainless steel: used in kitchenware and cutlery for its corrosion resistance.
  2. Bronze: used in sculptures and decorative items for its malleability and luster.
  3. Brass: used in musical instruments and plumbing fixtures for its acoustic properties and resistance to corrosion.

How hot does the UK get in summer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weather can be really changeable. One week (in the south) you may not get above 20C, the next weeks the winds could change and you could be looking at 35C. Hottest ever was just under 40C few years ago.

What is the climate of Illinois like?

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Illinois has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The state experiences all four seasons, with precipitation fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. Tornadoes are a common weather phenomenon during the spring and summer months.

How animals are exploited?

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Asked by Wiki User

Animals are often exploited for their labor, such as in agriculture or entertainment industries, where they are forced to work for human benefit. They are also exploited for their resources, such as in the fur and leather industries. Additionally, animals are exploited in scientific research where they may be subjected to harmful experiments.

Types of Natural Disasters in Paris France?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some types of natural disasters that can occur in Paris, France include floods, heatwaves, and occasional severe storms. Paris is located along the Seine River, making it susceptible to flooding during periods of heavy rain. Heatwaves have become more common in recent years due to climate change, leading to high temperatures and health risks for residents. Additionally, severe storms can bring strong winds and heavy rainfall, causing damage to infrastructure.

What country does the Volga river run through?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Volga River runs through Russia. It is the longest river in Europe and one of the most important rivers in the country, flowing through central Russia before emptying into the Caspian Sea.

Average temperature october South Carolina?

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In October, the average temperature in South Carolina is around 60-80°F (15-27°C). However, temperatures can vary across the state, with coastal regions typically being milder compared to inland areas. It's a great time to visit as the weather is comfortable and the fall foliage is starting to appear.

What city is latitude 44 north and longitude 116 degrees west?

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The city located at latitude 44 north and longitude 116 degrees west is Portland, Oregon, USA.

How much does it cost to ride the cyclone?

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As of 2021, the cost to ride the Cyclone at Luna Park in Coney Island, New York is around $10 per person for a single ride ticket. However, pricing may vary and it's advisable to check with the park for the most up-to-date information.

Which will boil first salt water or plain water?

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Plain water will boil first because adding salt to water increases its boiling point. This means that salt water needs to be heated to a higher temperature than plain water in order to boil.

One half of the world's fresh water lies within the borders of one nation That country is?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brazil. Brazil contains about 12% of the world's fresh water supply in the form of rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, making it a key player in global freshwater resources.

What is the Weather forecast for Washington D.C.?

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Asked by Wiki User

I recommend checking a reliable weather website or app for the most up-to-date forecast for Washington D.C. Sites like or the National Weather Service can provide accurate and detailed information on the weather conditions in the area.

What island is located at 54 degrees south latitude and 67 degrees west longitude?

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Asked by Salcolburn

The island located at 54 degrees south latitude and 67 degrees west longitude is South Georgia Island. It is a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean known for its rugged beauty and wildlife, including penguins and seals.

What boils faster salt water sugar water oil water vinger wateror normal water?

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Asked by Sourpatch95

Salt water and sugar water boil faster than pure water because the presence of solutes increases the boiling point of water. Vinegar water boils faster than oil water because oil does not mix well with water and slows down the boiling process. Ultimately, normal water would boil fastest, followed by vinegar water, sugar water, salt water, and lastly oil water.

Is there time difference between Seattle Washington and Las Vegas Nevada?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Seattle, Washington is in the Pacific Time Zone, while Las Vegas, Nevada is in the Pacific Time Zone as well. Both cities follow the same time zone and there is no time difference between the two.

Does tap water boil faster than sugar water and salt water because of less surface tension?

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The difference in boiling times between tap water, sugar water, and salt water is primarily due to the presence of solutes, not surface tension. Sugar and salt elevate the boiling point of water, requiring more energy to reach the boiling point compared to pure tap water. This difference in boiling points is a result of colligative properties, not surface tension.

What is the average temperature for Lincoln city Oregon in June?

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The average temperature in Lincoln City, Oregon in June typically ranges from 50°F to 65°F. However, temperatures can vary depending on the specific day and prevailing weather patterns.

What is plain salt?

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Plain salt refers to salt that is in its pure form, composed mainly of sodium chloride with no added ingredients or flavorings. It is commonly used as a seasoning or preservative in cooking and food preparation.