


Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) is a landlocked country with an area of 15,940 sq mi. It is geographically divided between the Jura, the Central Plateau and the Alps. In 2010, it was ranked as the world’s most competitive country.

1,972 Questions

How long does it take to fly between London and Basel?

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Approximately 12 hours.

This assumes you do not stop for any breaks, and you use the Channel Tunnel, which is quicker than using a ferry.

What separates France from Switzerland?

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France and Switzerland border one another; there is nothing separating the two countries. Under the Schengen Agreement, there are not even border controls between France and Switzerland. However, the French-Swiss border is dominated by the Alps Mountain Range, which impedes rapid movement.

Why is Switzerland not under any pressure to join the eu?

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Switzerland is not in the EU, so it cannot join the Euro area.

What continent is France and Switzerland in?

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Switzerland is a land-locked country in central Europe. It is surrounded by 5 other countries: France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Italy.

Why do tourists visit Switzerland?

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I am Swiss and therefore quite biased on the matter (forgive me. haha)! But I love Switzerland. It's fairly clean, quite international and i guess it's quite friendly towards tourists coming to ski in the Alps or munch chocolate. It's very safe and i would recommend going on a tour through Switzerland, maybe dropping by in Austria or Germany.

Extra facts you should be aware of: You speak mainly German, but also french and Italian in Switzerland. the German-speaking part of Switzerland communicates through a very strange German dialect, so if you have got some German-vocabulary, don't expect to be able to use it in Switzerland, because the dialect there is quite different from the actual German spoken in Germany.

Anyway, enough of the blabbering, YOU MUST VISIT Geneva (french-speaking), Luzern (very nice, German-speaking), Zurich (German-speaking) and maybe a region called the Tessin (Italian-speaking, very Italian-styled landscapes and very warm weather). have fun!

Why did Switzerland not want to join the United Nations?

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I did a presentation on this topic not too long ago - one of the main reasons is that Switzerland is one of the few direct democracies left in the world, whereas the EU is a form of representative democracy such as is found in most democracies today. The people were afraid that their interests would not be properly represented in the EU, not to mention that Switzerland would become one of the richest members of the EU and thus have to pay large sums annually for the EU's cohesion policy, which reallocates money to the poorest regions (not countries, but rather specific regions - so some regions in France for example still get significant aid despite France being one of the richest members). Of course this would mean that although Switzerland would become an official member of the Single Market, it would still lose a lot of money to the EU's Cohesion Policy. This combined with the fear of being largely ignored by the EU and its representative form of governance was enough to lead the people to reject the referendum.

What mountain range crosses the borders of Austria Germany France Italy Switzerland Liechtenstein and Yugoslavia?

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- Australia is an island in the southern hemisphere

- Yugoslavia doesn't exist any more.

- Germany France Italy Switzerland Liechtenstein are countries in Europe. These 4 do have a mountain range in common - the Alps.

Does Switzerland have many mountains?

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The country is located in the middle of the Alps and the landscape is dominated by mountains.

Who is the gift giver of Switzerland?

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the gift giver of Switzerland is the christkindli- a white clad angel, with a face veil held in place by a jeweled crown. The tree candles are lit as she enters each house and hands out presents from the basket held by her child helpers.

Why are Austria and Switzerland called the alpine countries?

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The German (and English) country designation "Schweiz" or "Switzerland respectively, along with the Swiss flag, is derived from "Schwyz", one of the founding cantons of Switzerland. A canton is a state of the federal state of Switzerland of which there are 26.

The name Schwyz is first attested in 972 as the village Suittes and is parhaps related to Old High German suedan "to burn", referring to the area of forest that was burned and cleared to build. The name was extended to the area dominated by Schwyz (the Canton of Schwyz), and later to the entire Old Swiss Confederacy: while other cantons tended to resent this in the 15th century, the term Schwyzer was widely adopted as self-designation after 1499, out of spite, as it had been employed as a term of abuse by the Swabian side during the Swabian War, and Eidgenossenschaft and Schwytzerland could be used interchangeably in the 16th century.

taken from How_did_Switzerland_get_its_name

What special features does Switzerland have?

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They have lakes and was the most richest country in AMERICA (: haha viviana was here beeches

Do people in switzerland live in houses?

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Check My Answer

What is the name of the main legislative body in Switzerland?

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On a federal level, the united Federal Assembly composed of the two chambers of parliament, the national council representing the people directly (200 members) and the council of states that represents the 26 cantons (46 members).

What does CH stand for on a Swiss car?

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Confoederatio Helvetica, "swiss" or "helvetic confederation"

What is Switzerland's country motto?

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The motto of the Confederation is 'Un pour tous, tous pour un' (One for all, all for one)

(The Three Musketeers had the same motto)

Does Switzerland have a glacier?

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Lake Geneva. But it is partially in Switzerland and partially in France.

Next Bodensee. That is divided between Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Why was Switzerland not invaded by Germany?

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Switzerland has always been politically neutral and does not take sides in foreign wars.

AnswerActually Hitler did have plans in his drawer for the attack on Switzerland. But Hitler's attitude towards attacking Switzerland was "we'll pick up Switzerland on our way back." Also, Switzerland warned the Germans that if they were to attack them, they will blow up the railway connecting Italy and Germany, making it harder for them to communicate. In exchange, Switzerland granted Germany the right to enter and leave Switzerland without being questioned.

What do they call a lake in Switzerland?

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The Swiss call Lake Geneva Lac Leman. Lake Geneva is the largest body of water in Switzerland. It is a croissant-shaped lake surrounded by villages and castles.

Distance from Lake Como Italy to Lucerne Switzerland?

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The distance from Lake Como, Italy to Lucerne, Switzerland is 196.4 kilometers. The drive time is approximately 2-hours and 36-minutes.

What is postage for a 2 oz letter to Switzerland?

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It depends where you are sending it from.

A 'B Post' (second class) letter sent from inside Switzerland currently costs 85 Rappen.

Who is Switzerland's greatest hero?

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William Tell. But most historians think he is just a legend.

What is the name of the river in Berne?

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If by "surround" you mean rivers that form the border of Switzerland, the answer is the Rhine.

The Rhine approximately follows Switzerland's eastern border with Liechtenstein and Austria, and its northern border with Germany. Is say "approximately" because in many places the border is a few Km from the Rhine.

Other important rivers are the Rhone, which flows through Lake Geneva, the Inn, Ticino and Doubs.

What is the nick name of Switzerland?

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Switzerland hasn't really got a nickname, or you could say Switzerland is itself a nickname. The full official name translates into English as 'Swiss Confederation'.

The official name in all the languages spoken in Switzerland is:

  • German: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (shortened to 'Schweiz')
  • French: Confédération suisse (shortened to 'Suisse')
  • Italian: Confederazione Svizzera (shortened to 'Svizzera')
  • Romansh: Confederaziun svizra (shortened to 'Svizra')
  • Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica

Latin is used as a neutral language when there is no room to put all 4 official languages, for example on coins and for the abbreviation for the country 'CH'.