


Languages and Cultures

The English language is the world's number one communications vehicle and information source. But it does so with the cooperation of such major non-English languages as Mandarin Chinese. Contributors typically want to know about the native languages and cultures of former colonies in Africa and Asia; immigrant, minority ethnic and refugee communities worldwide; indigenous Australians; Pacific Ocean islanders; and Scandinavian and Slavic countries.

18,442 Questions

Where do languages come from?

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Non-English languages come from every country in the world, including England.

What language is spoken on the Iberian Peninsula?

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Iberian Peninsula includes 2 independent countries, Portugal and Spain.

In Portugal the language is the Portuguese language, also spoken in 9 other countries including Brazil. This language does not descent from Spanish. Portuguese language derives from the medieval language Galician-Portuguese which in its turn is a descendant of ancient Latin.

In Spain they have several languages. When one says Spanish language one is making reference to the Castilian Language, which is the language spoken nationwide and its also spoken in other countries like Mexico. But Spain have 4 big languages:

- Castilian aka Spanish

- Basque

- Catalan

- Galician

There are some controversy about calling Castilian Language Spanish, since every other languages spoken in Spain are also Spanish.

Both Portuguese Language and Spanish Language are part of the Romance Languages Group. Romance language Group is a Group which include Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian and are all derived from Ancient Latin.

What are the words for star in different languages?

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  1. Spanish: estrella
  2. French: étoile
  3. German: Stern
  4. Italian: stella

Combien de temps dure la period de gestation chez elephant?

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La période de gestation chez les éléphants dure en moyenne entre 22 et 24 mois, soit environ deux ans. C'est l'une des plus longues gestations dans le règne animal.

What did Europeans believe about stars?

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Europeans believed that stars were distant, celestial bodies that had a significant influence on human life and events. They were often viewed as symbols of guidance, destiny, and divine power, leading to the development of various astrological beliefs and practices in European cultures.

What language are used to name organisms?

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Organisms are named using binomial nomenclature, a system introduced by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. Each organism is given a two-part Latin name, consisting of the genus and species names. This system allows scientists to effectively communicate and categorize different species.

What languages are spoken in space?

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English and Russian are the primary languages spoken in space. Other languages such as Mandarin, Spanish, and French may also be spoken by astronauts onboard the International Space Station.

What language is astrovia from?

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Astrovia is not a real language; it is a fictional language created for a specific purpose, such as in a book, movie, or video game.

Chinese word for black dog?

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The Chinese word for black dog is "黑狗" (hēi gǒu).

Why is latin used to name organisms?

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Latin is used in naming organisms because it serves as an international language that is understood by scientists worldwide. Additionally, Latin is a dead language, meaning it is no longer evolving, so its meanings are stable and less likely to change over time. This consistency helps to avoid confusion and misinterpretation in the scientific community.

What is octology?

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An octology is a series of eight distinct but interconnected works, such as books or movies, usually following a central theme, story, or set of characters throughout all eight parts. It is a way to create a comprehensive and detailed narrative that spans multiple installments.

Which animal is the Aussie bounder?

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The Aussie bounder is a colloquial term for a Kangaroo. Kangaroos are native to Australia and are known for their unique way of moving by hopping on their hind legs.

What is the Swahili word for cheetah?

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The Swahili word for cheetah is "duma."

What name means moon?

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There are many names that mean "moon" such as:






















What does Selene the goddess of the moon name mean?

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Selene is derived from the Greek word "selas," meaning light or brightness. Thus, Selene's name symbolizes her association with illuminating the night sky as the goddess of the moon.

What is a dead body of an animal called?

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It is often called a carcass.

How many seconds in a melinemum?

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I was confused at first, unable to decide whether a "melinemum" is the least value

of a function or a spinal X-ray with contrast. Eventually, I guessed that it's intended

to suggest the period of 1,000 years ... a 'millenium'.

1 day = 86,400 seconds

At the present time, the sidereal year is 365.256363004 days. (rounded)

If it stayed constant and never changed, then 1,000 of those would comprise

31,558,149,763.5 seconds (rounded)

What constellation is the pet of leda?

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The constellation representing the pet of Leda, a figure from Greek mythology, is Canis Major. Canis Major is often associated with Leda's faithful dog named Maera.

What is the Swahili word for sun?

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The Swahili word for sun is "jua".

What do you call an animal that has a human head on a four-legged animal's body called?

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A sphinx. Most often, the animal's body is that of a lion. Another, similar to the sphinx is the manticore, which was reputed to have poisonous spikes on its tail, which could kill instantly. There is also the centaur, but this has not only the face of a human, but also the torso.

Are planets dimmer than stars?

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Actually planets are non luminous objects , so Planets are totally dim . It seems like they are quite bright , because they reflect the Sunlight ( Stars light ) falling on them .

So , yes of course , they are far dimmer than stars .

What is mooology?

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"Mooology" is not a commonly recognized term. It could potentially refer to the study or science of cows (moo being the sound they make). If further context is provided, a more specific interpretation can be given.

In the latin phrase ad astra per aspera which word means stars?

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Astra is the Latin word for star. That is where the first part of the words astronomy and astrology comes from.

How did Galileo infer that the moon has highlands?

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Galileo inferred that the moon has highlands by observing the variation in surface brightness and the presence of shadows and light patterns across the lunar surface through his telescope. These observations led him to propose that the moon's surface was not perfectly smooth and that there were elevated regions, which he referred to as the moon's "mountains" or highlands.