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Q: Do fungi use dead matter to gain energy?
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How do fungi gain energy?

Fungi obtain energy by absorbing organic matter from their environment. They secrete enzymes that break down complex organic compounds into simpler molecules, which they can then absorb and use for energy. Fungi can obtain their nutrients from decaying organic matter, living organisms, or through mutualistic relationships with other organisms.

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How does the life process of fungi help plants?

These fungi are called mycorrhizae (though, technially, the term "mycorrhizae" refers to the relationship between the fungi and the plants). They grow in or around the roots of a plant and out into the soil. This helps the plant in two ways: First, the fungal hyphae are a lot smaller than the plant's roots and can get into smaller places. Second, they greatly increase the surface area over which nutrients can be absorbed without a huge increase in volume.

Life cycles recycle matter and help to create balance on Earth because?

Producers make their own food. Consumers gain energy from producers. Decomposers break down dead matter into essential nutrients that are then reused by producers.

How do humans gain matter or energy they need to survive?

It's called eating ... for both.

What is the matter that evaporates water?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere.

Does matter gain energy and evaporates when it is heated?

Matter gains energy when it is heated due to a thermal transfer. It does not always evaporate when heated as this varies based on the specific material being heated.

Does condensation lose or gain energy?

Condensation gives off energy. Matter is moving from the higher energy vapor state to a lower energy liquid state. This is an exothermic process.

When atoms gain enough energy to be able to move freely and independently the matter has changed into the state?


What Makes Matter Change state?

According to the Particulate Theory of Matter, when matter is heated up, its particles gain energy, and thus, it changes its state. A solid has particles that are tightly packed together. When it is heated, its particles will gain energy and be more spread out to become a liquid. It works likewise for liquids to become gases.

How do mushrooms obtain nutrients from their surroundings?

Q:How do mushrooms obtain their food? A: my best guess is that they get it from what they are growing on. :)

How are decomposer and consumers alike?

They all take in energy. All diagrammed as a food chain.