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Yes and no. They don't matter with regard to the outcome... if you learn how to do something, then you know it, and the grade doesn't really matter. However, most colleges and even some employers *will* care about the grades, and it could impact your ability to attend college or get a good job.

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Q: Do grades really matter in outcome based education?
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Do grades really matter on outcome-based education?

Yes they do. The world uses grade to determine a successful student and the transcripts follows the student into college, professional jobs, and the business world.

Do the grades you get in middle school matter?

Of course. All grades you get matters really.

What grades need for a professional soccer player?

None... look at ronaldinho, no education just have to be really good. but if ur in school obviously good grades

When you have excelled during your education or at work?

You can excel in your education, when you get really good grades. You can excel in the workplace when you go above and beyond your job duties.

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the grades of school are really bad but grades of a homeschooler is actually really good because they learn at their own pace

How do you tell someone you love you really dont have an education?

If they love you it won't matter to them, and if you want they will help you get a better education.

Do grades in 8th grade matter?

Not really. They don't start mattering for colleges and graduation and stuff until high school.

IDid bad in high school but you want to become a lawyer. What steps should i take?

Get really good grades in college. High school will not matter as much as the college grades to get into law school.

Does education status really matters when people are really in love?

If you're really and truly in love, then no, it doesn't matter. If one is smarter than the other, you're equally uneducated, or highly intellectual, it doesn't matter, so as long as you don't care about the education and value the person for themselves.

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It does not really matter what the focus is. A proven track record of good grades is more important.

What classes should you take in high school to be a lawyer?

It doesn't really matter what classes you take in high school or even in college. The grades you get are more important.

Can a school really hold you back for missing days even if you have good grades?

It depends on how many days you have missed and what the school policy is. But yes they can. In university (at least mine) if you miss so many classes you automatically flunk no matter what your grades.