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long all long like 5,99ft that long for women/female/females to grow their hair so LONG also tell if your girlfriend to NOT EVER CUT HER HAIR keep it long longer the sexier ;))

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Depends on the guys preferences.

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Q: Do guys like long hair or short hair?
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Do guys like short hair or long hair on a girl?

Depends on the guy, I would say most like it longer

Do girls like long hair or short hair on guys?

Depends on the guy, I would say most like it longer

Why do lesbians wear their hair short?

That's the same thing as asking why some kids dye their hair blonde. They like it like that. Not all gay women like their hair short; just like some guys like their hair long.

What kind of hair do guys like on women?

That totally depends on the guy. Some like short hair, some like long hair. Some like blondes, some like brunettes.

What makes a guy more attractive to a girl?

girls like guy with long hair and is carefree or guys with short hair and is athletic

Do women like short hair on guys or long?

I myself believe what ever your comfortable in. However prefer short.

Do guys like long hair on girls?

Everybody has their own preference, long short or whatever. Hair is very sensuous, the feel, the smell, the colour; it does not have to be long, but it does need to be clean.

Do girls like men with short hair or long hair?

I am a girl and girls like guys with in the middle hair as in like to your nose at the longest. That's what's considered cute. .................................................................................................................................................................. Well, I am a girl, and I think that guys look best in what fits their face AND if they take good care of it. Most guys to me look good with short hair slightly spiked, and maybe a little colored tips.

Do men like their wife with short hair?

Some do like short hair and some like them with long hair.

How old are the two guys in 3OH3?

there long hair 21 short 23

Why do men have short hair and women have long hair?

Actually, this is kind of a question that isn't very accurate. Some men actually do have long hair, but you don't see them around as often as guys that have short hair. This is because guys will get made fun of if their hair is too long, but girls having long hair is her feminism. Girls that have short hair don't really get much attention.Girls have long hair because..Most guys are attracted to long hairGirls can hide many things (double chins, weird ears) with long hairGirls just love having and taking care of long hair!Guys have short hair because..Most Girls are attracted to men with shorter hairShort hair is easier to be kept, less matinence.

What kind of hair on guys are girls into these days?

It depends, a lot of girls I know like long skater hair that flips a little and is kind of messy, others like it short and clean cut.