

Do heme groups contain nitrogen

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Do heme groups contain nitrogen
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What elements make up proteins?

Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and (often) sulfur. All amino acids contain the first four; cysteine and methionine contain sulfur as well. Some proteins have "cofactors" or other unusual groups which can contain just about anything... for example, the protein hemoglobin contains a heme group, which has iron at its center.

What does the hemoglobin in blood contain?

Hemoglobin is made up of heme and globular protein. The heme contains iron inside a ring of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen molecules. The protein chains are complex helical structures.

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Do mussels contain heme iron?

Heme iron comes from animal sources, while non-heme iron comes from plant sources, so I believe that because mussels are animals, mussels therefore do contain heme iron. Fish also contains heme iron.

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no,carbonyl group consist of carbon and oxygen

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Referring to stool that does not appear to contain the heme commonly associated with colorectal CA;

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Schiff Bases are a compounds with functional groups which contain carbon-nitrogen.

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No. Lipids are composed of a "backbone" of glycerol and three carboxylic acid groups of varying length. Both glycerol and carboxylic acids contain only the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

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Nitrogen doesn't contain air, but the air contains Nitrogen.

Does soil contain nitrogen?

Yes, soil does contain nitrogen.

Why do you bone cells and red blood cells have fewer mitochondria?

Red blood cells do not contain mitochondria, they are designed to deliver O2 via their complex heme centers & thus contain no nucleus/organelles, maximizing space for this job. Red blood cells arise from bone marrow stem cells & only circulate, carrying O2 for about 120 days before the spleen recycles their heme groups.

What element is present in protein that was not present in carbohydrates?

Proteins contain nitrogen, which is not present in carbohydrates.