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Q: Do honey bees like cold or hot weather better?
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What are the reasons scientists believe that is killing the Honey Bees?

My dad has honey bees and he thinks that when the bees go out in cold weather they can''t survive it and end up dying.

You thought bees dont eat honey and they eat nector and pollen?

Bees feed pollen to their larvas and eat the honey if the weather is too cold to search foor food.

Why is it that bees make honey?

For cold weather supplies and wax production are reasons why bees make honey.Specifically, the insect in question (Apis spp) collects nectar during nice weather. From that nectar honey is produced so that the inhabitants of the hive will have food when the weather is too cold for flowers to bloom or nectar to be gathered. Consumption of honey also will aid in the production of wax within scout and worker bees' stomachs.

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will cold weather kill carpenter bees

Is there a hybernating stage for a honey bee?

No. During cold weather, honey bees (Apis Mellifera) are in a semi-dormant state and cluster together to keep warm and conserve energy.

How honey is made?

Honey is the sweet syrupy liquid produced by bees to eat when other food is scarce or the weather is too cold. The bees drink nectar from flowers and it gets ingested into what is called the "honey stomach", where the nectar is regurgitated and re-ingested many times, much like a cow chews cud. The bees then expel the digested nectar into honeycomb, then partially dehydrate it by flapping their wings over its surface. After awhile, a beekeeper will cut open the honeycomb and honey is then extracted from the comb.

Is it better to get the cold in hot or cold weather?

Hot weather

Are bees dormant and wont attack in cold weather?

Bees are semi-dormant in winter and are less likely to attack.

Do people keeep bumble bees like they keep honey bees?

We can't keep bumble bees in the same way we keep honey bees. There are several reasons for this:Bumble bees tend to be either solitary or live in very small colonies, compared to the honey bee hive of around 60,000 bees in the summer.Honey bees make more honey than they need, and this is what we collect. Bumble bees do make honey, but only in very small amounts. At the most you would collect about a tablespoonful of honey from a bumble bee nest.Bumble bees won't live in hives.A honey bee colony lives through the winter (they don't hibernate), so you still have the colony in spring. At the end of summer newly-mated bumble bee queens fly off to find somewhere to hibernate through the winter; all other bumble bees die as the cold weather comes.WRONG. The person who gave this answer has no idea what they are talking about. Bumble bees are commonly kept as pollinators, especially for indoor greenhouse crops like tomatoes. Google it.

How do bees collect nectar?

A honey bee collects nectar from plants which is turned into honey to feed the colony during the winter when it is too cold to forage,

Is it better to run in hot or cold weather?

cold weather, because you get hot when you run

Why in the world is there a bee in your yard in the fall please help me out here?

Honey bees don't hibernate. In cold weather they cluster on the comb to conserve heat, but on warmer days they will go out on short flights -- even in the middle of winter.