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no because our body is constantly producing heat. Also if we were the same temp as the air we'd be dead. also we sweat when the air is hot so we always change temp

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2mo ago

No, humans typically generate heat through metabolic processes and physical activity, preventing them from reaching thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air. The body continuously adjusts its internal temperature to maintain homeostasis, which can result in feeling either warmer or cooler than the surrounding air.

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Q: Do humans ever reach thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air?
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Substances reach thermal equilibrium by transferring heat from the hotter object to the cooler object until they reach the same temperature. This can occur through conduction, convection, or radiation. Once they reach thermal equilibrium, there is no further net transfer of heat between the objects.

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It is called thermal equilibrium. At thermal equilibrium, the two objects have the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them.

Does temperature move from hot to cold?

Yes, heat energy moves from objects with higher temperatures to objects with lower temperatures, until they reach thermal equilibrium. This is known as the principle of thermal equilibrium.

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Yes, the change in temperature can provide information on the rate at which thermal equilibrium will be reached. A larger temperature difference between two objects will usually result in a faster approach to equilibrium. However, other factors such as the materials involved, surface area, and presence of insulating materials can also influence the time taken to reach thermal equilibrium.

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What direction does thermal energy flow?

Thermal Energy always transfer from the higher temperature to lower temperature until both bodies reach the same temperature or in thermal equilibrium with each other.

How is thermal eqilibrium achived?

Thermal equilibrium is achieved when two objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other, and heat transfer occurs between them until they reach the same temperature. This occurs because heat transfer will continue until the thermal energy is evenly distributed among the objects, leading to a balance in temperature.

What is the conclusion of heat?

The conclusion of heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler one. This transfer changes the temperature of the objects involved until they reach thermal equilibrium.

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Heat transfers from warmer objects to cooler objects through conduction, convection, or radiation until they reach thermal equilibrium. In the case of cooling objects, heat is typically removed through convection or radiation to the surrounding environment.

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Heat energy travels from an object with high thermal energy to one with low thermal energy, as it seeks to reach thermal equilibrium. This transfer occurs through conduction, convection, or radiation until both objects reach the same temperature.