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Q: Do inner planets mercury and Venus experience retrograde motion similar to the outer planets?
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Related questions

Which planets are most similar in size?

Mercury and Venus :)

How are inner planets similar?

All inner planets are made of rock. (Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury)

Which terrestrial planets has a surface landscape similar to that of the older areas of the Moon?


Name some ways inner planets are similar?

they are all small rocky planets [earth,mercury,venus,mars]

How are Jupiter and Mercury similar?

Both are planets, both orbit the Sun. Other than that, they are QUITE different.

These planets are similar to earth?

In our solar system, the inner four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are referred to as rocky, or terrestrial ("Earth-like"). Outside the solar system it is estimated as many as 40 billion planets in our galaxy alone would be similar to Earth.

What planet do most known extrasolar planets least resemble?

We tend to see the large planets farthest away from their stars. So it is unlikely we will find any small planets close to their star similar to Mercury.

How are the inner planets similar to dwarf planets?

The other planets are not similar to dwarf planets.

How are inner planets similar to dwarf planets?

The other planets are not similar to dwarf planets.

What are 3 ways inner planets are alike?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The inner planets all have a clear solid surface, unlike gaseous planets. The inner planets do not have a ring system. The inner planets are of similar densities.

How are inner planets all similar?

The inner planets are similar in their composition, which is mostly iron and various types of rock.

How are gas giant planets and terrestrial planets similar?

They are are not similar.