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They'll try to kill them and chase them away, since they compete for food. But actually eating them would be rare.

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13y ago

Not unless the dog is alone. This is very rare as wild dogs live in packs of up to 40 and look out for each other 24/7. Hope this helps!

Professor Lindsay Oppenheimer

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14y ago

no lions does not eat wild dog.

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4y ago

they do eat wild dogs because wild dogs live in the same habitat as lions and l have seen a video of a lion killing and eating wild dog

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Q: Do lions eat cheetahs or leopards or wild dogs?
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I think the enemies of cheetahs are a lion and a do they protect them selvesThe enemy or enemies of the cheetahs is who ever comes within there boundaries and or steals food and causes a threat to them or there youngPoachers... :(

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