

Do lizards have rib cages

Updated: 10/9/2023
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9y ago

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Yes. Lizards have ribs.

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Q: Do lizards have rib cages
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Related questions

What has the same consistency as human rib cages?

Chimpanzee rib cages have roughly the same consistency.

How many rib cages do you have?

Only one rib cage per person

What parts form lungs?

your lungs form infront of your rib cages

How many rib cages doe sthe normal body have?


Which animal has the most ribs?

All vertebrates have rib cages.

Does a cat have a rib cage?

Yes. And as far as I'm aware, all animals with internal skeletons have rib cages, to protect the vital organs.

What causes sore rib cages?

post exercise, muscle inflammation, herpes zooster

What bony cages protects th lungs?

The Sternum and the Rib Cage protects the lungs.

What exactly is rib cage pain?

Hi there, rib cage pain can be caused when you encounter force to the rib cages. There are also several other minor causes, please contact your doctor if you experience rib cage pain.

What are some different configurations for reptile cages?

Some different configurations for reptile cages include those for snakes, lizards which come with latches and multiple compartments. These cages are available at "Companion Habitats".

How many rib eye steaks can i get from a steer?

they specifically have 15 ribs on each side of there cages

Do mammals have sternum?

yes the sturnum is the bone that is inbetween our two sets of rib cages