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If the animal has like night vision eyes or wants to hunt other nocturnal animals yes it can help. if the animal is eating plants still a yes. For example mice might think they are safe at night even though an owl could be nearby.

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No, most nocturnal animals do not need sunlight. This is because they create their own source of vitamin D inside their systems.

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Nocturnal means night.

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Q: Does a nocturnal animal eat at night or during the daytime?
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What does a nocturnal gecko mean?

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What is it called when you sleep all day and stay up all night?

Such an animal is diurnal. The daytime sleepers are nocturnal.

How are nocturnal and diurnal similar?

The word "nocturnal" means that an animal is active (foraging, hunting) primarily at night. Examples are owls, bats, and some mammals that avoid daytime predators. The term "diurnal" means that an animal is active during the daytime, and normally sleeps at night. Many birds and mammals are diurnal. A third term is "crepuscular" which means active during the transition periods, around sunset and sunrise. Domestic cats are often crepuscular, as are many wild dogs.

What is a definition of diurnal?

Diurnal refers to an animal that is awake in the daytime and asleep at night. It is the opposite of nocturnal.

What is diurnal behavior?

Diurnal behavior refers to the patterns of activity and rest that occur during the daytime for an organism. Animals that are diurnal are active and hunt or forage during the day, while resting or sleeping at night. This is in contrast to nocturnal behavior, where animals are active at night.

What is a nocturnal animal?

Nocturnal animals are animals that are active at night rather than the day. At night, they forage or hunt for food and perform other activities, which depend on the species. During the day they sleep.

Would a nocturnal animal be active during the day?

No. Nocturnal means night active.

What does it mean to call an animal nocturnal?

Animals which are active during the day are called diurnal. Animals which are active at dawn and dusk are called crepuscular.It's very confusing! Big Words!

What is another name for daytime animals?

Non-nocturnal? Diurnal - awake during the day/sleep at night

How does diurnal behavior differ from nocturnal?

Diurnal animals are active during the daytime, doing their hunting or grazing during daylight. Nocturnal animals are active during the night time hours.

What are day animals called considering that night animals are called nocturnal?

Diurnal In animal behavior, diurnality indicates an animal that is active during the daytime and rests during the night. Animals that are not diurnal are either nocturnal (active at night) or crepuscular (active primarily during twilight, i.e., at dusk and dawn). Many animal species are diurnal, including many mammals, insects and birds. The diurnal pattern is often controlled internally by the circadian rhythm (endogenous rhythm) of the animal. In some animals, especially insects, external patterns of the environment control the activity (exogenous rhythms) Answered by: ??? ___________________________________________________________________ Main Entry: nocturnal Part of Speech:adjective Definition: night Synonyms: late, night, night-loving, nightly, nighttime Antonyms: daytime Notes: nocturnal means belonging to or active during the night; diurnal means belonging to or active during the day. I got this from 's thesaurus! Edited by: QWERTY ___________________________________________________________________

What is another word for an animal living in the day?

A diurnal animal (dī-ŭr'nəl) is an animal that is active during the daytime and sleeps during the night. Animals that are not diurnal are either nocturnal (active at night) or crepuscular (active primarily during twilight). Many animal species are diurnal, including many mammals and birds. The human species is diurnal but has adapted to nocturnal activity also with the aid of artificial lighting. A nocturnal animal is one that sleeps during the day and is active at night - the opposite of the typical human schedule (diurnal). The intermediate crepuscular schedule (twilight activity) is also common. Some species are active both during the day and night.