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Non- metals may indeed have negative and positive oxidation numbers in thier compounds. Example chlorine- -1 in NaCl, +1 in ClF, +3 in ClF3, +5 in ClF5

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Q: Do nonmetals have positive and negative oxidation numbers?
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Does metal or nonmetal have both positive and negative oxidation numbers?


Does a metal or nonmetal have both positive and negative oxidation numbers?

All metals have positive oxidation numbers. Non-metals may have positive or negative oxidation numbers and some metalloids have both positive and negative oxidation numbers as well

Can nonmetals have positive and negative oxidation numbers?

Yes. For example, chlorine in compounds can have the following oxidation states: -1 (most common), +1, +3, +5, and +7.

Do metals have both positive and negative oxidation numbers?

No, the can only have positive oxidation numbers

Can metals have positive and negative oxidation numbers?

No, they can't only have positive oxidation numbers in compounds.

What are oxidation numbers are written as?

... as positive or negative numbers

Are electron affinity values usually positive or negative numbers?

Positive for nonmetals and negative for metals

What can have both positive and negative oxidation numbers?

king kong

The oxidation number of an atom is shown with a negative number?

negative numbers --go to the discussion spot and it will help you. :)

How do oxidation numbers determine if an element is a metal or a nonmetal?

Generally, metals attain positive oxidation numbers only. Non metals can have either positive or negative oxidation states. If an oxidation number is a negative value, it can be deduced that it's a non metal element.

What is the oxidation number of ZnCl?

The compound has no charge. This means that the positive oxidation numbers must equal the negative oxidation numbers. Cl has an oxidation number of -1. Therefore, Zn must have an oxidation number of +1.

What is an oxidation number and how does an atom get one?

Before involving any chemical reactions or bonds, an atom has an oxidation number of zero. Accepting electrons will lower the oxidation number to negative numbers. Discharging electrons such as metals will result in positive oxidation numbers.