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Deje / dejen / deja / dejad sin vaciar este bote de basura.

No vacíe / vacíen / vacíes / vaciéis este bote de basura.

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Q: Do not empty this trash can in spanish?
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To empty the trash with Mac OS X click on the Trash icon in the dock and select Empty Trash from the menu that pops up; or, when on the Desktop, select Empty Trash from the Finder menu or the keyboard equivalent Command, Shift and BackSpace keys.

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The bag of empty bag is in the trash can that has the flies in it. You have to bring the trash can to the cotton candy then open the trash can and the flies will go to the cotton candy instead of you. After that you can dig in the trash to find the empty bag. Hope that helps!

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Put then in the trash bin

What is junk in Spanish?

Basura is trash.