

Best Answer

Not unless it's denoted as a pedestrian right-of-way crossing. Otherwise, right-of-way is typically determined by crosswalk signals.

Another View:

Check the regulations of your particular state or municipality.

While the above may be true in some jurisdictions, it is not universally so - ESPECIALLY in many of the western states of the US (WA and CA come to mind) where the minute the pedestrians foot touches the roadway they must be yielded to.

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Q: Do pedestrains have the right-of-way on crosswalks and intersections?
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Is it legal to cross a street diagonally?

I have seen some intersections where diagonal crosswalks have been painted in intersections. But they are fairly rare.

Many collisions involving pedestrians occur at crosswalks and intersections in?

business districts where there is often a high volume of traffic.

Which US city provides orange flags for pedestrians to wave when crossing the street at midblock crosswalks?

Salt Lake City. There are baskets filled with orange flags at the curbs on both sides of midblock crosswalks. This does not apply to crosswalks located at intersections. The law is routinely ignored, but the flags are still there.

What color are cross walk lines?

Crosswalks are typically marked with white painted lines. However, not all pedestrian crosswalks are painted. It's best to use judgement when slowing down at intersections or yielding as to what would constitute the crosswalk.

What are reasons for pedestrains action that might cause conflict?

Pedestrians MUST look both ways before they cross streets, and NOT expect crosswalks to automatically protect them. Drivers OFTEN do not see pedestrians, and drivers do not often notice crosswalks. Drivers may be from out of town, or may not have driven on that particular street before. Pedestrians must not ASSUME that drivers will automatically stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk; and pedestrians must not ASSUME that drivers always see them.

Why are there many collisions involving pedestrians occurring at intersections and crosswalks in business distracts?

Because its the most crowded place for pedestrians. Obviously if there is no places for people to visit or shop then there will be less collisions because of less flow of trafic.

How do you spell pedestrains?

The correct spelling is "pedestrians."

Is a pedestrains sign a regulatory sign?

No. It is cautionary or advisory.

When two cars arrive at an intersection at the same time which one has the rightofway?

Generally the one that arrived first.

When do pedestrains have the right-of-way over motor vehicles?


Can you Cross the street where there are no crosswalks?


When do pedestrians have the right of way over motor vehicles in Arizona?

Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, I still look both ways though :) In Oregon pedestrians only have the right of way at crosswalks or intersections. If they cross in the middle of the block they must legally yield to vehicles before crossing.