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antarctic seas
they live in the antarctic

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Q: Do penguins live in the Arctic sea or the Antarctic sea?
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Why don't penguins live in the Arctic?

There are two main reasons why there are no penguins in the Arctic. Firstly, the Arctic is mainly ocean covered with sea ice. While penguins do not live on the continental landmass of Antarctica itself, they do live along the coastline and the ice shelves. This is where many species of penguin breed, and the Arctic lacks this type of landscape. In addition, more than half of the penguin species do not live in the Antarctic, instead occupying more temperate regions such as New Zealand and southern Australia, where they breed behind the coastal dunes. This leads to the next reason why there are no penguins in the Arctic. The Arctic has more predators than the Antarctic. No land mammals live at the Antarctic, but numerous carnivorous species live within the Arctic Circle. Polar bears would soon make short work of penguin colonies, while Arctic foxes would decimate the chicks. As it is, where species such as the Little Penguin breed on southern Australian shores, the nests are certainly at risk of being raided by predatorial, introduced species such as dogs, foxes and feral cats. Prior to European settlement, these carnivores did not exist in Australia and New Zealand, and penguin colonies thrived.

Where do antarctic sea birds go in winter?

It depends on the species. Arctic Terns go to the Arctic (north pole region) some go to Newfoundland, other scattered to various places around the pacific and Atlantic oceans. Penguins actually come to Antarctic during the winter.

What kind of penguins live in Antarctic?

No penguin lives on Antarctica. Penguins are sea birds. Four types of penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, including Emperors, Adelies, Chinstraps and Gentoos. They breed there because there are no land predators.

Why are emperor penguins so important?

emperor penguins skin is important because it covers their skin just like us

How many Animals live in the Antarctic?

No animals live on Antarctica. Sea mammals and sea birds that breed on Antarctica's beaches maintain their lives in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean. There is no evidence -- yet -- that these animals die due to global warming.

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Where do king penguins live in antarctica?

King penguins live at sea as do all penguins. They breed on the sub-Antarctic islands and not on the Antarctic continent.

Do macaroni penguins live in Antarctica?

No penguin lives on the Antarctic continent. Macaroni penguins breed on the sub-Antarctic islands, and otherwise live at sea because they are sea birds..

Is it too cold for penguins to live in Antarctica?

No. Penguins live at sea and breed on the Antarctic beaches. Penguins are acclimated to this environment.

Where do chinstrap penguins live in Antarctica?

You may be able to sese chinstrap penguins breeding on the Antarctic Peninsula, but their breeding grounds are generally further north, on the sub-Antarctic islands. Penguins are sea birds, and live at sea.

Why do emperor penguins live in anarctica?

Emperor Penguins do not live on the Antarctic continent. Penguins are sea birds and live at sea. Emperor Penguins do visit Antarctica's beaches, however to breed.

How is global Warming Affecting Penguins Polar Bears and Us?

Global warming can melt the arctic and antarctic ice caps causing polar bears and antarctic penguins to have less place to live, if the ice melted, sea levels will rise and areas will be flooded and we will have fewer places to live.

What are animals in Antarctica?

Penguins, fish, seals, whales, sharks, and arctic tern

What continents do sea otters live in?

sea otters live on all continents exept the arctic and antarctic

What continents do sea otters live?

sea otters live on all continents exept the arctic and antarctic

What continent do sea otters live in?

All continents exept the arctic/antarctic

Where do the penguins live in antarctica?

Major populations of penguins are found in: Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, and South Africa. Some live as far north as the Galápagos Islands.