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Yes people do and they also hunt them for their meat and teeth.

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Q: Do people hunt dholes for their fur?
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What do dholes hunt?

Asiatic Dholes is a type of wild dog, large and vicious in appearance. They are red furred and range from Siberia to India but prefer forest habitats. They are very social, living in groups of about 10 animals, sometimes up to 40. Dholes hunt in packs and eat meat, and are known to hunt Asian Buffalo. Otherwise, they sleep or breed. Dholes are on the endangered species list due to being misunderstood and killed by humans.

Why people hunt giant pandas?

For their valuable fur.

Why are dhole hunted?

Dholes are hunted for their fur and meat but they can be used for other things. Some people don't kill them and just capture them to keep as pets or even in zoo as they are very rare to see and are nearly extinct with only about 2,500 Dholes left.

Why do people threat wolves?

we are a threat because we hunt them for their fur

Why is a bolivian chinchilla endangered?

because people hunt for their fur.

Why are African dhole hunted?

Dholes are hunted for their fur and meat but they can be used for other things. Some people don't kill them and just capture them to keep as pets or even in zoo as they are very rare to see and are nearly extinct with only about 2,500 Dholes left.

Why did European people depended on Native people for fur trading?

Because Native people showed them how to hunt beaver and allowed them to hunt on their land.

Do people hunt wild cats?

Yes. They hunt wild cats, lynxes are killed for their fur in Spain.

What can eat an leopard?

Well noting really eats it. But people do hunt the leopards.What people do to them is they hunt them for there fur,teeth,and everything else on them.

Why is the Siberian tiger at risk?

its endangered, since people hunt it for its fur.

Why did people hunt pandas?

Fur, and organs used in quack medicines.

Why are wolves nearly gone?

Because people over-hunt them for there fur.