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Yes, many of these types of people have the same types of attitudes. This is not the case with everyone though.

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Individuals in the same social and economic class may share certain attitudes due to shared experiences, values, and perspectives. However, there can still be significant diversity within a social and economic class, as individual attitudes are also shaped by personal beliefs, upbringing, and education. It is important to consider the complexities and variations within any social group.

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Q: Do people in the same social and economic class tend to have similar attitudes?
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Continue Learning about Psychology

Describe the three main focuses of social psychology?

The three main focuses of social psychology are attitudes, social influence, and group dynamics. Attitudes refer to evaluations of people, objects, or ideas, and how they influence behavior. Social influence examines how individuals are influenced by others in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Group dynamics explore how people interact within groups and its impact on individual behaviors and attitudes.

Social psychology can best be defined as the study of?

Social psychology is the study of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others. It explores topics such as conformity, obedience, attitudes, prejudice, and social influence.

What is the relationship between attitudes and behavior?

Attitudes are beliefs or evaluations towards something, while behavior refers to actions taken based on those attitudes. Attitudes can influence behavior, but other factors like social norms, situational factors, and personal beliefs also play a role in determining behavior. While attitudes can be a good predictor of behavior, there are often discrepancies between what people say (attitudes) and what they do (behavior).

What is informal peer influence?

Informal peer influence refers to the impact that peers have on an individual's attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs through casual interactions and social relationships. This can include adopting similar behaviors, attitudes, or interests based on the influence of friends or acquaintances in a non-formal setting. It is a common aspect of social relationships, especially during adolescence and early adulthood.

What changes took place in the behavior and values of young people during the 1920s?

During the 1920s, young people experienced a shift towards more liberal attitudes and behaviors, fueled by economic prosperity and changing social norms. This era saw the rise of the "flapper" culture, characterized by independence, increased freedom in personal expression, and a rejection of traditional Victorian values. Young people also embraced new forms of entertainment, such as jazz music and dancing, which became integral to their social lives.

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Europe's political and economic freedom attitudes about social status and political stability helped start the Industrial Revolution simply by encouraging and showing people what was possible.

How does visual media reflect or influence social behaviors and attitudes?

Audio media has greatly influenced social behaviors and attitudes especially for the young people these days. The music has lyrics that are reflective of the artists lifestyle and young people try to emulate them.

What is the primary reason for the difference people have in behavior and attitudes?

Location in social structure.

What re the environmental attitudes?

Environmental attitudes refer to individuals' beliefs, feelings, and behaviors towards the environment and its protection. These can range from pro-environmental attitudes that prioritize sustainability and conservation to less concerned attitudes that prioritize economic growth over environmental concerns. Social, cultural, and educational factors can shape an individual's environmental attitudes.

How did properity lead to the developments of social classes?

Well, since prosperity is economic success and social classes are people who are alike...(social classes-a group of people who have similar backgrounds, income(money), and way of living) Prosperity lead to social classes by people learning more about each other and exploring. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! have fun in social studies....

Describe the three main focuses of social psychology?

The three main focuses of social psychology are attitudes, social influence, and group dynamics. Attitudes refer to evaluations of people, objects, or ideas, and how they influence behavior. Social influence examines how individuals are influenced by others in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Group dynamics explore how people interact within groups and its impact on individual behaviors and attitudes.

What is homogamy?

Homogamy means to marry someone similar, as when members of the same social class intermarry. It concentrate on social economic status and its to keep wealth in social stratification.

What are the types of discourses and their definition?

A discourse is where language is used which relates to particular social practices. They shape attitudes, behaviour and power relations of the people involved. Some types of discourses are: racial; political; medical; economic; environmental and law/ legal

What is the main difference between a social group and a social class?

A social group refers to a collection of individuals who share common characteristics or interests, while a social class refers to a group of people who occupy a similar position in the economic hierarchy. Social groups are typically based on shared identities or affiliations, while social classes are structured around economic factors like income, occupation, and wealth.

What is a social class?

A division of a society that is based on economic as well as social status is a social class. It is a group of people that have levels of status, wealth, and influence that are similar.

Social psychology can best be defined as the study of?

Social psychology is the study of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others. It explores topics such as conformity, obedience, attitudes, prejudice, and social influence.

What is social satisfaction?

social stratification is a concept involving the "classification of people into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions ... a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions.