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Q: Do people work longer hours today than in the past?
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Did people in the past live longer than today?

No, people today generally live longer than people in the past due to advancements in healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition. Life expectancy has increased significantly over the years.

Why do people write more today than in the past?

People write about now because of how things are getting more terrible by the minute. In the present and in the past much happened but it also took longer in the past to write.

What famous people have used ketamine?

Hopefully not because ketamine is indicated for animals only. In the past ketamine was used in humans, but no longer today.

Why do people today remember and celebrate events of the past?

People today remember and celebrate events of the past because they are thankful for whatever happened that caused the event.

How many minutes longer is it from ten past nine to noon?

2 hours 50 minutes

How have waterways helped people in the past and how do they help people today?

how r u doing

How have waterways helped people in the past how do they help people today?

how r u doing

Why people in the past believe in superstition?

It is not only people in the past that believe in superstitions. People today do so. Anything that someone believes in without a rational explanation is a superstition.

Why are some people worried about Hiroshima?

There is no use to worry about Hiroshima now a days. The past is past and the radiation no longer affect anyone.

How do people use pumpkins today and the past?

for Halloween they use them for jack-a-lanterns

How people live today and people lived in the past?

to my mind, our live is more better than it was in the past,,everything is more developed,technologies, medicines, and so on..

What is the past tense of i meet you today?

The past tense of "I meet you today" is "I met you today."