

Do pine cones grow up or down?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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7y ago

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Your answer depends on the type of pine growing the cone. Some grow up; others grow down.

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Q: Do pine cones grow up or down?
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What are the western U.S. trees that pine cones grow up instead of hang down?

In California the California Red Fir and the Whit Fir.

Do redwood's cones grow up or down?

Both the male and female cones hang downwards (ie point down).

How do pine tree seeds grow?

first they are released from the cones and seep into the ground where from there it soaks up water and grow like other plants or trees

Why do pine cones close up?

they are cold

What does a seed develop in a pine tree?

Pine cones mature, opening up and releasing the seeds. In some species of Pine, heat (such as from a fire) is needed to open the cones.

How do you grow pine trees from pine cones?

Pine cones open up by themselves and then drop the seeds. Sometimes, wildfires make the cones open up. So I'm guessing that you can either wait right under a pine cone and wait for it to open up or you might possibly (note that this has not been tested and may not work) light a candle right underneath the pine cone. This may not work and may result in the tree burning if it catches on fire.

What does a pine cone look like when it starts growing?

i think they come out of the tree in the direction they are facingAnother answer:When pine cones are on the tree, they grow down. The point grows toward the ground. The stem part in the middle of the cone attaches to the cone. The pine cone itself is a container for pine seeds. The cone will open and release the seeds. If you pick up a large pine cone, you may find that the front part has opened and the rear part has not. If you take the part that has not opened and open it, you may find the pine cone seeds inside. Each one is a seed attached to a membrane. The membrane acts like a propeller that helps the seed spin around. If the pine tree burns, all the pine cones open and release all their seeds. The new plants grow straight up.

How do eucalyptus trees reproduce?

They reproduce using cones also known as seeds.Pine trees grow pine cones much like a flower grows blossoms. Inside the pine cone their are seeds that grow and mature. Then the cone falls off to the ground where it dries out. As it dries, the cone opens up so that the seeds can fall out. Birds and rodents grab some of the seeds and carry them a certain distance away. Little pine trees start where the seeds are on nice, moist soil.The seeds of some pine trees are called, "Pine nuts", and are edible and delicious. You can buy them at your grocery store.seeds are in the pine coneleafy gametes.A pine tree produces cones which contain the seed to produce further generations.

How do pine cones forecast a storm?

pine cones are among the most reliable of all natural weather indicators. in dry weather the scales dry up and open out. if they start to close up it is a sure sigh that wet weather is on the way

What did Gandalf use to drive away the Wargs?

The whole party had to climb up and hide in trees beside the clearing while the wargs came and tried to kill them. Gandalf, who specialises in fire had to burn them to death until the remaining wargs retreated.

How do you get the pine nuts out of a pine cone?

cut the pine cones and get the pine nuts :P Soaking them in water for a few days is less painful. The cone will satruate, open up, & the seeds will float out.

Will the Cyclone Classic rake work well using it to rake up long pine needles and pine cones?

Yes that is a good choice for pine needles though they do make pine needle rakes.