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Yes, proper nouns are always capitalized.

A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.


  • person = Nelson Mandella
  • place = Australia
  • thing = Coca-Cola

Common nouns are capitalized only when it's the first word in a sentence.

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Q: Do proper nouns have to be capitalized?
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Are plural nouns capitalized?

No, in English, plural nouns are not capitalized unless they are proper nouns.

Why are months not capitalized?

Months are not capitalized because they are common nouns, not proper nouns. In English, proper nouns like specific names of people or places are capitalized, while common nouns such as months are not unless they are the first word in a sentence.

Are proper nouns and adjectives capitalized?

Proper nouns are always capitalised, but adjectives are not.

What are Nouns that are not capitalised called?

The common nouns are not capitalized unless they are the first word in a sentnece.The proper nouns are always capitalized.

Is Amanda proper or common noun?

Amanda, being capitalized, is a proper noun. Common nouns are nouns that are usually lowercased, such as cat, movie, and toy. Proper nouns are nouns that are always capitalized such as Christianity, Israel, and Sarah.

What words need to be capitalized?

All proper nouns should be capitalized but all words are capitalized at the beginning of the sentence.

How do common nouns and proper nouns get written differently?

Proper nouns are always capitalized (Italy or Irving); common nouns are not capitalized unless they are part of a name (Daily Gazette) or a title (The Wanderers).

Is American a proper or common noun?

American is a proper noun. It can also be an adjective, as in "American cheese." A rule of thumb: proper nouns are capitalized and common nouns are not capitalized.

What parts of grammar have to be capitalized?

Proper nouns should always be capitalized.

Should Italian be capitalized?

Yes, countries are capitalized in Italian.Specifically, the first letter of ordinary nouns is not capitalized. But the first letter of proper nouns tends to be capitalized. Countries are proper nouns whose first letter is capitalized.

Should Roman goddes be capitalized?

Yes, Roman goddess names should be capitalized as they are proper nouns.

What is poper nouns?

I think you mean proper nouns. Proper nouns are the specific names given to general nouns, and are capitalized when writing. For example, the first name John is a proper noun and is always capitalized, as is his last name, Smith. Proper nouns can refer to places, as well. The name of a store is capitalized, as is the name of a city or a state. Titles of books, movies, plays, games, etc. are also always capitalized.