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knowing that every thing in and on earth moves, yes it can shift positions

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Roxane Bode

Lvl 10
2y ago
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12y ago

yes they do, they move and break apart in a earthquake

:D that's all i know

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Q: Do rocks in the earth shift in new positions?
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Do rocks in the earth shift into new position?

Yes, rocks in the Earth can shift positions due to movements in the Earth's crust caused by tectonic plate interactions. This can result in processes like earthquakes and mountain building, where rocks are subjected to immense pressure and movement that can cause them to shift into new positions.

Do rocks in the earth never shift into new position?

They do. Huge sections of Earth's crust called tectonic plates move at a few centimeters per year. On smaller scales and over shorter periods of time, rocks may be moved by water, glaciers, and mass movements such as landslides.

Are the continents and oceans always been in the same positions they are today?

No, the positions of continents and oceans on Earth's surface have changed over millions of years due to the process of plate tectonics. Continents have drifted apart and collided to form new landmasses, changing the configuration of oceans. This movement is ongoing, with the positions continuing to shift gradually over time.

When fracturing and slipping into new positions rocks along the fault release energy in the form of vibrations called?

Seismic Waves

What is it called when tectonic plates shift?

Are you asking what happenes when the plates shift, why the plates shift, how the plates shift, or what? Please make the question more clear. _________________________________________________________________ plates have been constantly shifting since the time the earth was formed. but, they move at different rates in different directions

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New moon and full moon

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What are rocks changed by intense pressure and heat become new rocks called?

I think you are looking for the term "Metamorphic".

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Rocks are made into new rocks through the rock cycle

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