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Sentences do not HAVE to contain an adverb. ALL sentences need is a noun/pronoun and verb. Of course, those are very simple sentences.

I ran.

She walked.

He jumped.

They sang.

As students mature with vocabulary, sentence structure, and expressing ideas, sentences become more complex and interesting.

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8y ago
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7y ago

No. Many sentences do not contain adverbs. But adverbs are useful to specify or clarify information provided by verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

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These sentences do not contain any adverbs: A I like bacon B I like bacon and eggs These sentences do contain adverbs: C I like crisp bacon with scrambled eggs D I like limply cooked bacon with a poached egg

What are some examples sentences for adverb?

We should be hurrying to the store now. This is an example sentence for an adverb.

Is truly an adverb?

Truly is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:He was truly apologetic.That film was truly amazing.

Is basically an adverb?

Basically is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:Basically, he just screwed up.This is basically everything you need.

Is merely an adverb?

Merely is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:I am merely just browsing.He is merely trying to help.

Is the word fortunately an adverb?

Fortunately is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:Fortunately, I have a backup copy.We fortunately arrive don time.

What is the adverb for deep?

Deeply is the adverb form of deep.Some example sentences for you are:He is deeply in love with her.The performer spoke deeply.

Is literally an adverb?

Literally is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:He literally just wet himself.I will literally be five minutes.

WHich word in this sentences is an adverb You can find the pool table downstairs?


How can you best define a sentence?

Well, the usual sentence classifications are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Simple sentences are the most basic kind, they consist of one independent clause. Compound sentences contain two independent clauses. Complex sentences contain an independent clause and a dependent clause. Compound-complex sentences contain at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause.

Is thus an adverb?

Yes, it is an adverb. In this capacity, it can also be used to connect thoughts in two separate sentences.

How is adverb used in sentences?

As a modifier to the verb. Sentence: "The boy was running through traffic". Using the adverb "recklessly" as an adverb: "The boy was recklessly running through traffic".