

Do snail's antennas grow back

Updated: 11/15/2022
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15y ago

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yes they do how do u think we get sky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes they do how do u think we get sky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Do snail's antennas grow back
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No, a sea snail can't grow its shell back.

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Can snails receive satellite images through their antennae?

No they cannot. Snails use their antennas to see and smell.

Can snails grow back their shells?

No, snails cannot grow back their shells; the shell wall is attached to the organs and blood supply of the snail. If the shell were to be removed, the snails would die soon after.

What are the antennas on snails used for?

A snail's eyes are on longish projections on its head, and the projections are called eyestalks.

Do snails have to move into larger shells as they grow?

No, a snails's shell grows with the snail. They grow their own shell/

When do snails grow there shells?

snails are born with tiny bits of shells as the snails grow the shell grows with it twirling round to form the shell. hope this helps :]

How do snails get their shells?

They grow them.

How big are the Houston snails?

Some snails in Houston can grow to the size of a baseball.

How fast can Armored snails grow?

they can grow at 0.9 mph

Why do snails eyes look like antennas?

beacuse they cant see well so when they try to reach somthing with there antenna they are aware.

Why do snails find other shells if they can make them?

Snails grow a shell that stays with them their entire life. They don't find larger ones as they grow.