

Do some people abuse animals without realizing it?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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Lvl 1
16y ago

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Just as excessive tickling can be a form of abuse to a child, rough play and certain foods can be a form of abuse to a dog. People innocently mean to make those they love happy but without knowledge can in fact hurt them. Chocolate, onions, macadamia nuts, grapes and raisins are sometimes given as special treats off an owners plate and in fact can cause illness and a lot of times kill beloved animals.

Yes I know of alot of people who do.

Yes I believe so. Some people do not understand the consequences of leaving a pet in the car with the windows rolled up, or chained in the sun without water on a hot day. Some people neglect their pets and allow them to go without proper bathing, or without having check-ups by a veterinarian. In addition, many bring pets into their home and after the novelty wears off, they just plain ignore the pet. I believe most pets need love and attention just as humans do. I know in my home, when a pet comes in, the pet becomes one of the family and treated as one. Owning a pets means taking responsibility for its well-being. If a person is not willing to meet the needs of the pet, then they really should not have one.

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i don't no but it is sad that people get dogs and they don't even like them and then abuse them

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Yes, humans who abuse animals will be put in jail depending on the level of abuse. In fact, many people get put to jail because of this cruelty every year. Some people strangle or kill them, other people starve these animals.

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Theres no real answer why people abuse animals but if it is depression ..., witch i dont think it is. They should't take it out on there animals because that's not going to stop it.

Will abuse to animals ever end?

Unfortunately, no. As along as there are cruel people in the world. There will be abuse of animals. With the more regulations protecting animals, it is getting better.

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No, they are paid to experiment on the animals. there are strict rules and regulations so that the animals are treated and looked after properly. But some scientists ignore the rules and abuse the animals