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1. Many do, me and many other autistic people I have met are very angry at individual people that have bullied/abused us(including other autistics), I have cursed several people that have been bad to me and my friends but not had physical revenge on anyone.

Some autistic people hate typical society in general (and sometimes generally people) because of their experiences with bullying and I have met a few online that seek to enslave, torture or exterminate Neurotypical people from the face of the earth. However, most autistic people don't want this. Many of us would never enslave anybody but would like to live away from typical people, or have revenge individually.

In contrast to this a considerable amount of my online autistic friends are easily forgiving and would never want revenge on anybody.

2. Maybe some; but I'm not one of them,. I don't even want to be exclused from typical people, I wanna mix perfectly with normel people. :l

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There are cases that many autistic individuals have been bullied and teased. And have been judged by teachers, pyschatrist. Many autistic people have been judged in public for their behavior. People with autism have experienced abuse from parents and have been murdered by the parents. Autistic children have experience verbal abuse from bullies, teachers, social workers and other people. Many autistic people when they have meltdowns in public have experienced being mistreated by police officers. Just because people have autism it's not something anyone should mistreat and judge because of different behaviors.

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