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Yes, they leave Ireland for the winter months and fly south to warmer places.

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Q: Do swallows leave Ireland for warmer climate?
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the warmer the climate, the sooner the leaves. you did not specify the area you live.

Where do the swallows of Capistrano go when they leave?

They leave and go 6,000 miles to Argentina. They return every year to the mission and to the town where they are loved and protected. Many people come to see the miracle of the swallows.

Is 15 degrees Celsius cold?

No it is definitely not cold. I live in a cold climate, so I think it's just a little bit warm, but someone from a warmer climate would think it's cool. ADDED: 15ºC = 59ºF - I leave you to decide if comfortable or not!

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People may leave their homelands to work in another country for better job opportunities, higher pay, improved quality of life, escape from conflict or persecution, or to reunite with family members who have already migrated. Economic factors are often a driving force behind this decision.

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winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer

Why doesn't Ireland change it's name to the United Counties?

There is no reason for Ireland to change its name. Ireland has been the name for a long time and a name like "United Counties" would make no sense and leave people asking "Where is that?" to which the answer would be given "It is Ireland." So it is best to leave it as Ireland.

Why did Ireland leave the UK?

Because they wanted independence.

What decision did many of Ireland's citizens make during that potato famine?

Many decided to leave Ireland.

When did the Celts leave Ireland?

They never did, they're still here.

Why do the leave decay more in the winter than the summer?

Because of the warmer tempatures decay is mostly a chemical reaction and all chemical reactions are accellerated by warmer temps

Is there an agreed timetable for England to leave Ireland to be governed by the Republic of Ireland?

No there isn't. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and will remain like that until the people of Northern Ireland want to change that.