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Each of these have an infinite number of solutions. Never can they be equal.

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Q: Do the equations x equals 4y plus 1 and x equals 4y-1 have the same solution. How might you explain your answer to someone who has not learned algebra?
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In algebra, there will be letters. Each letter represents a number. Different letters stand for different numbers. e.g. x=1 but y=3. if there are many X's, they all mean the same thing.If there is a number before the letter, you multiply the number by what the letter represents. So 3p means 3*p. This is very simple algebra. I haven't learned complex algebra yet, but i can understand it. But can't explain it well.

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Its math that you should have learned in elementary school...just kidding. Its basic algebra.

When do you use a semicolon in algebra?

Well, according to what I learned when I was in Algebra I, you should never have to use a semicolon.

Which is easier College Algebra or Statistics?

Algebra by far. Statistics assumes a higher level of math learned already. Take algebra then stats

What is the difference between pre-algebra and algebra 2?

Pre-algebra is where you just learn the basics of Algebra and Algebra two is way more advanced with new information and taking the concepts you learned in pre-algebra and algebra to the next level.

Is calculus hard if you are excellent in basic algebra?

Not really. Of course, you'll have to learn some new concepts - just as when you learned algebra.

Where do you learn algebra?

Typically in America algebra is learned in seventh or eighth grade. However, honors students can learn algebra in sixth or seventh grade or even earlier! Nowadays many places offer algebra classes to take outside school or even algebra camps!

What are the 3 types of relations in algebra?

3 types of relations in algebra are to graph, table, and map the x,y ordered pairs. just learned this! C:

What you learned about simultaneous equation?

They can be used to find two unknown values with two equations.

Explain what can you be learned about a population from the mean?

idont no

How hard is pre-calculus compared to college algebra?

It is not hard compared to college algebra. pre-calc just incorporates topics you have learned so far uo to college algebra and introduces a few more. if you did well in algebra, you should do well in pre-calc.