

Do the ribs protect the kidneys?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Yes. Human ribs are bones, called flat bones, and are part of the axial skeleton.

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16y ago
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11y ago

Both the heart and lungs, and in part the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

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8y ago

the ribs protect the heart like a wall an atack lets say a punch would hit the ribs and not be able to reach the heart

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14y ago

they offer a little protection for the heart kidneys liver and other vital organs

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13y ago

Yes, the sternum or breastbone, in vertebrate anatomy, is a flat bone which protects vital organs in the chest cavity, including the heart.

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9y ago

Ribs 1-6 protect the heart along with the sternum

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14y ago

sort of but the lungs do the most

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What ribs protect the liver?

Ribs 6-12 protect the liver along with the bottom of the sternum

What protect the kidney?

Your kidneys are protected by ribs and fat.

What are the ribs for in a human body?

To protect the internal organs, like the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, etc.

What if heart has no ribs to protect it?

we will die without ribs

Why ribs have joints?

Ribs have joints to protect our lungs.

Why do you have ribs?

The ribs support and protect the lungs, and to some extent protect other internal organs.

What holds the kidneys in place?

your ribs ^^ Actually, it's your adipose tissue that is holding the kidneys in place. The kidneys are below the ribs.

How do your ribs protect your organs?

your ribs are like a hard shield that stands infrunt of the organs and stuff to protect it. =D

What muscle protect ribs?

Ribs 1-10 protect the lungs along with the sternum and the clavical.

What do your ribs do?

Ribs are the bones that support and protect the lungs, and also protect the heart. The structure of the sternum and ribs (rib cage) allows us to breathe. The job of your ribs is to protect the organs inside your chest region. Specifically your heart and lungs.

What bones are the most protection to the abdominal viscera?

The Ribs primary function is to protect the thoracic viscera, or the heart and lungs. The pelvis' main function is to protect the pelvic viscera

What muscles do the ribcage protect?

They protect the heart and lungs from injuries and shocks that might damage them. Ribs also protect parts of the stomach, spleen, and kidneys. The ribs help you to breathe. As you inhale, the muscles in between the ribs lift the rib cage up, allowing the lungs to expand.