

Do things float in alcohol

Updated: 5/25/2024
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13y ago

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Yes. For every fluid, there are things that float in it ... they just have to be things that

are less dense than the fluid. That's how stones float in Mercury, logs float in water,

and hot balloons float in air.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

It depends on the density of the object in relation to the density of the alcohol. Objects with a lower density than alcohol will float, while those with a higher density will sink.

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Yes, ice cubes will float higher in alcohol compared to water because alcohol is less dense than water. This causes the ice cubes to displace more liquid when placed in alcohol, leading them to float higher.

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Objects will float better in rubbing alcohol than in water because rubbing alcohol has a lower density than water. This means that objects will displace less liquid in rubbing alcohol, making it easier for them to float.

Will alcohol sink or float?

Alcohol is less dense than water, so it will float on top of water. However, if the alcohol is mixed with other substances that increase its density, it may sink.

Can a candle float in alcohol?

Yes, a candle can float in alcohol because alcohol is less dense than water, so it can support the weight of the candle. However, it will depend on the specific type of alcohol and the density of the candle.

What is a liquid that makes things float?

It is quite common for various things to float in water. But any liquid can cause things to float.

Why would an object float in water but sink in rubbing alcohol?

An object will float in water if its density is less than that of water. Rubbing alcohol has a lower density than water, so an object that sinks in rubbing alcohol likely has a higher density than the rubbing alcohol. This difference in density causes the object to sink in rubbing alcohol but float in water.

How do you make things float?

You can't make things float, things float by it's self's it's density is lower than 1 it can float, if it's density is greater than 1 it can't float.

Will a paper clip float on alcohol?

Yes, a paper clip will likely float on alcohol because alcohol has a density lower than that of water, making it less dense and able to support the weight of the paper clip.