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In a way, yes. Tornadoes form from a larger, preexisting rotating updraft called a mesocyclone. It is believed that strong winds from a special downdraft wrap around the bottom of the mesocyclone, causing it to tighten and intensify to produce a tornado. Generally, the stronger the mesocyclone, the stronger the tornado.

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Q: Do tornadoes form from fast moving air?
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Related questions

How is air movement important to tornadoes?

Tornadoes themselves are made of violently moving air and form from interactions of various moving parcels of air in and around a thunderstorm.

Why do tornadoes not form in antarcica?

Antarctica is too cold for tornadoes to form. Tornadoes need energy from warm air.

Why tornadoes do not form on Guam?

Guam has been the site of tornadoes before. Tornadoes can form anywhere cold and warm air collide, causing an imbalance in air pressure.

What effect do tornadoes have on the atmosphere?

Tornadoes, as a product of thunderstorms, help stabilize the atmosphere by moving warm air upward.

What two air masses cause tornadoes?

Tornadoes most often form where cool dry air and warm moist air collide. This does not directly produce tornadoes but rather produces the thunderstorms that, given a few other factors, can sometimes produce tornadoes. Additionally, such a meeting of air masses is not absolutely necessary for tornadoes to form.

What is fast moving air?


What two air masses would most likely form a tornado when they meet?

A cold air mas moving into a warm air mass will create a cold front. It is along a cold front that the severe thunderstorms that can produce tornadoes most often form.

What front occurs when a fast-moving warm air mass overtakes a slower-moving cold air mass?

a WARM front occurs when a fast moving warm air mass overtakes a slower moving cold air mass.

What are the tornadoes made of?

Tornadoes are just rapidly moving columns of air. The reason that they are black is because that is the color of the dirt that they pick up.

How can a tornado form in space?

Tornadoes cannot form in space. A tornado is a vortex of air. There is no air in space.

Do a tornado form when a funnel of cold air quickly rises from the earth?

No. Tornadoes form in an environment where warm air rises quickly. Cold air will resist rising and will tend to prevent tornadoes from forming.

Do tornadoes form at the boundaries?

Very often they do. Tornadoes typically form along from thunderstorms that occur along or near a cold front (where cold air pushes into warm air) or dry line (where dry air pushes into moist air). However tornadoes can also form in the absence of boundaries such as in the outer rain bands of a hurricane.