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Both. Most tornadoes turn counterclockwise if in the northern hemisphere and clockwise if in the southern.

There is also a small percentage of tornadoes (less than 1%) that turn in the opposite direction from what is normal in their hemisphere.

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Q: Do tornadoes turn clockwise and counterclockwise?
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Do tornadoes turn clockwise while hurricanes turn counterclockwise?

No. In the northern hemisphere tornadoes an hurricanes both turn counterclockwise apart from a very small percentage of tornadoes. They turn clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

Which way do tornadoes turn in the northern hemisphere clockwise or counterclockwise?

Most of them spin counterclockwise

What directions do tornadoes normally turn in?

Normally they turn counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. However, in very rare cases a tornado turns in the opposite direction from normal. These are called anticyclonic tornadoes.

Is a tornado stronger going clockwise or counter-clockwise?

Overall there is no real correlation. Tornadoes generally turn counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern, and in most regions tornadoes fall into the same strength range.

Do tornadoes turn in a clockwise dirction?

Usually they do in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere they usually rotate counterclockwise. Some tornadoes, called anticyclonic tornadoes, do rotate clockwise in the northern hemisphere, but such storms are very rare.

Do tornadoes rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

In all but the rarest cases, tornadoes in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, while ones in the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise.

Which directions do tornadoes spin?

Tornadoes nearly always spin counterclockwise if they are in the northern hemisphere and clockwise if they are in the southern hemisphere.

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Clockwise to screw in, counterclockwise to remove

Do tornadoes rotate counterclockwise?

Most tornadoes (about 99%) in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise. But most in the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise.

Does Ecuador have tornadoes and which direction do they spin?

counterclockwise but also clockwise

Do tornadoes go clockwise?

The vast moajirty of tornadoes in the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, but most in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise.

Do ceiling fan blades turn clockwise or counterclockwise in summer?

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