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Q: Do veins not have muscle layer in the walls?
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What tissue in arteries and veins permits them to constrict?

Smooth muscle contained with the tunica media layer of their walls.

What layer of an artery consists mostly of smooth muscle?

Arterial walls are more muscular than the walls of veins. This muscle is smooth involuntary muscle.

Which of the following is a difference between arteries and veins?

artery walls have more elastic tissue and smooth muscle than veins,

Contrast the structure of veins and arteries for thickness of muscle and elastic tissue?

The more pressure it uses, the thicker the walls will be. Veins have very low pressure which means they have thin walls and vice/versa for arteries which have a higher pressure and thicker walls than veins.

Which blood vessel muscle layer is usually thicker in the arteries than in veins?

Tunica media

What makes a vein different from an artery in terms of the structure?

The artery has more muscle, media layer. This is used for contraction. The veins have little muscle layer, but have valves to prevent back flow.

Which layer of the artery wall thickens most in atherosclerosis?

The tunica media is the thickest layer of of an artery

What blood vessels have thick walls?

Arteries have thick elastic walls that can expand and contract, because they carry blood pumped from the heart. Veins return the blood to the heart but the pressure is not the same as in the arteries.

Are the walls of the veins thinner than those of the arteries?

No. Its the other way round.Walls of lymphatics (lymph vessels) are thinner than that of veins.Wall of lymph vessels consists only of a single layer of flat endothelial cells(with a few extensions into the lumen, as valves),while that of veins consists of innermost layer- of endothelial cells (tunica intima), middle layer-of smooth muscle cells (tunica media) and an outer layer- of connective tissue(tunica externa)

The smooth muscle tissue layer of the arteries and veins?

the middle layer, called the tunica media

Why are vein walls thinner than artery walls?

1- arteries have a thicker tunica media ( i.e. smooth muscle layer) baing pulsatile while veins being non-pulsatile do need smooth muscles in their wall just to maintain the tone or to adjust the size of lumen. 2- thinner walls of veins with more elasticity give them more compliance and thus they can store more blood serving the function of blood reservoirs. N.B. exchange of nutrients, gases and fluids occurs only in capillaries thus it has nothing to do with the thickness of arterial or venous walls.

Do veins have thin walls?

Relative to the walls of arteries, the veins' walls are thinner, because the pressure of the blood in the veins is much lower; so low in fact, that valves are required to prevent blood in the veins flowing backwards.