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No- pain threshold varies from individual to individual, and is not determined by gender.

Well, I've heard that men have a higher pain tolerance than women but I'm a chick and I have a very high pain tolerence. Some one did the pinch test and they were amazed on how even the hardest one didn't hurt me. I don't cry either. So I'll agree with the person above me.

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2d ago

There is no definitive answer to this question as pain tolerance can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. However, some studies suggest that women may have a slightly higher pain threshold than men, while others show no significant difference. Overall, pain perception and tolerance are influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, cultural norms, and individual experiences.

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14y ago

No, repeated studies done over roughly the last 40 years routinely show that men generally have a higher threshold and tolerance for pain (links 1-4). Threshold meaning the point at which a person considers something painful, tolerance being the point at which a person decides they cannot take any more- or in an experimental setting the point at which one chooses to stop participating. These studies have been confirmed to enough of an extent that figuring out exactly why men tolerate more and appear less sensitive to pain is now a far bigger issue for researchers than your original question. Numerous studies, including one in which nerve endings in a small portion of facial skin were counted, have shown that women are genetically also more sensitive to cutaneous pain (pain originating in the skin) (5). Men repeatedly show a higher ability to deal with pain regardless of what part of the body is tested.

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Q: Do women have a higher tolerance for pain than men?
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Your sexuality has nothing to do with your hormone/testosterone level.

Men generally have a higher BMR than women do because?

Men typically have a higher muscle mass and lower body fat percentage than women, which results in a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue, thus contributing to the higher BMR in men. Additionally, men tend to be larger in body size compared to women, further increasing their energy expenditure.

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Dwarfs typically have a lower tolerance to alcohol compared to humans due to their smaller stature and metabolism. It is important for dwarfs, like all individuals, to drink responsibly and be aware of their limits to avoid potential health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Tolerance to stimulants develops rapidly?

Yes, tolerance to stimulants can develop quickly due to the way they interact with the brain's neurotransmitter systems. With continued use, the body may become less responsive to the effects of the stimulant, leading to a need for higher doses to achieve the same effect. It is important to use stimulants as prescribed and under the guidance of a healthcare provider to minimize the risk of tolerance and potential harm.

What is the ratio of men verses women in the US?

As of 2020, the ratio of men to women in the US is approximately 97 men for every 100 women. This slight imbalance is mostly due to higher male birth rates and a longer life expectancy for women.

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