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yes they do,if they didnt ,then they would just mess up everything.they even decide who is going to win the match.

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Q: Do wrestling people talk about what they do before the match?
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Yes he can talk, in fact there are many clips of him talking backstage with Finlay before their Tag Team match with Boogeyman & The Little Boogeyman. Check it out on YouTube

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The matches are not choreographed!!!! The only thing the wrestlers know is which one of them is going to win at the end of the match. The match itself the wrestlers talk over what moves they want to do in the ring, but once in the ring they call it as it goes. I no way are they choregraphed like they are dancers. If they were there would never be any injuries of the seriousiness that occur.

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There are several websites where an individual could view the best wrestling videos. Examples would include YouTube, FloWrestling, Wrestling Tube, and The Wrestling Talk.

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1. Week 3 -talk to edge in middle locker room and then talk to Jericho in parking lot and get chalanged to submission match 2.week 4-after you have a match you will chalanged in mike Knox match (6 man tag team) 3.week6-singles match with r-truth 4.week9-talk to orton at elimination chamber at top locker room 5.week10 talk to hurricane before beaming up toRVD Note before Evan Bourne attacked jack swagger talk to hurricane 6.wrestlemania before doing anything go to green room and talk to terry funk and get chalanged to extime rules match

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