

Do yeast infection kill off sperms?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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13y ago

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Absolutely not! You can get pregnant and also give the guy the yeast infection.

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Q: Do yeast infection kill off sperms?
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Does clarithromycin give you yeast infection?

Antibiotics can cause yeast infections by killing off the good bacteria in your system. you can take acidophilus to fight a yeast infection before you get one or to fight one off

Will vinegar kill a yeast infection?

No. Yeast infections are caused by an over population of yeast microbes in the vagina. The population is normally controlled by a kind of bacteria that also lives there. If there is any sort of imbalance the bacteria may die off and allow the yeast cells to take over. You need a medication to kill the yeast. Monistat is an effective over the counter drug sold to treat yeast infections. Never ever douche! This can wash away the bacteria that are supposed to be there as well as dry out the vaginal membranes. It can also push harmful bacteria further inside causing a more serious condition.

Can vaginal yeast infection be treated with cream?

You really shouldn't have vaginal intercourse until your yeast infection is completely cleared up. Switch to oral and/or anal sex until then. Tell your boyfriend why, I'm sure he'll understand.

Can penicillin cause a yeast infection?

It can yes...happened to me before. It is not that the penicillin gives you the yeast problem. The penicillin kills off bad microbes and those of value, too. So it can permit unbalanced overgrowth of some microbes - which could result in a yeast infection.

Can medication cause thrush?

Good question, but not usually. The common medicines that can cause yeast infections are antibiotics. Your vagina has a very tempermental pH balance of good bacteria and yeast. Both are there all the time, the yeast grows and the good bacteria eats it. They naturally maintain a healthy level of each. However, when you take antibiotics, this medicine kills off any kind of bacteria, even the good kind living in your vagina. Now, this is good because it will kill the infection for which it was prescribed, but will also kill off good bacteria- leaving nothing to balance out the yeast. The yeast builds up and causes a yeast infection. Pain killers shouldn't disrupt the balance of yeast and good bacteria so you should be safe. Here is a link to help you better understand yeast infections and medicinal interactions... Good luck! :)

Are very hot liquids necessary to activate yeast?

Very hot liquids will kill off the yeast. Only use slightly warm water to activate the yeast.

Can salt kill sperms?

You be better off with someone like a condom, the pill etc. Salt can kill slugs though (and its not very nice when they die)!

Will glycerol cause a yeast infection if used in the vaginal area?

Yes it contains or some how makes sugar and the yeast infection will feed off the glycerol making it worse . So if you prone to a yeast infection its not a good idea to use any products that contain glycerol, you should use natural herbal like fuyan pill...

Is it bad to continuously have yeast infections after your period?

Yes, it's bad to have yeast infections at any time. During menstruation you may be at higher risk of certain infections because normally your vagina is acidic to kill off harmful flora, but blood effects vaginal pH so make it less acidic and more favorable to harmful flora.

How do u treat yeast infections?

It will burn like fire, but after you bathe take a wash cloth and wet it with vinegar and swab the affected area. Your infection will be MUCH improved immediately and gone soon thereafter. Vinegar is great for getting rid of yeast!

What kind of an infection is a yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina - characterized by vaginal irritation, intense itchiness and vaginal discharge. A vaginal yeast infection affects your vagina and the tissues at the opening to your vagina (vulva). Vaginal yeast infection - also called vaginal candidiasis - is very common. As many as 3 out of 4 women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lifetimes. Many women experience two or more yeast infections.What are vaginla yeast infection symtpoms?Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include:- Itching and irritation in the vagina and at the entrance to the vagina (vulva)- A burning sensation, especially during intercourse or while urinating- Redness and swelling of the vulva- Vaginal pain and soreness- Thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese appearanceAnd yeast infection could be cured by herbal medicine "fuyan pill".

What is the temperature of a yeast environment?

The temperature of a yeast environment will have to be at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Warmer temperatures will start to kill off the yeast, while colder temperatures will make it go dormant.