

Do you breath out carbon dioxide?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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Yes, one of the waste products of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide (six molecules of carbon dioxide to be exact), as well as six molecules of water.

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Q: Do you breath out carbon dioxide?
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Are high levels of carbon dioxide bad?

well, you don't breath carbon dioxide, you breath oxygen

Is carbon dioxide useful and why?

Yes, carbon dioxide is useful for plant photosynthesis, which is essential for plant growth and food production. However, excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to global warming and climate change.

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the Photosynthesi does not allow the ability of a plant cell to prouduce solar energy in carbon dioxide

How does plants get the carbon dioxide?

Plants get carbon dioxide from the air we exhale. We breath out carbon dioxide and plants give us oxygen. So when we breath oxygen the air that we exhale is carbon dioxide that goes to plants.

How do fish breathe in and breathe out?

Yes they do. Its part of the carbon cycle. When plants give off carbon dioxide, animals breath it in, when they die, scavengers eat them then decomposer breaks the dead carcasses back into the basic materials.

Do lions breath in carbon dioxide?

As there is a low level of carbon dioxide in the air that animals (and people) breath, yes every breath taken in breaths in some carbon dioxide.But as carbon dioxide in the blood is transferred to the air in the lungs, increasing the level of carbon dioxide in that air, when they breath out both the carbon dioxide breathed in and the additional carbon dioxide from the blood are breathed out. Thus in balance more carbon dioxide is breathed out than is breathed in.

Is the carbon dioxide you breath same with the carbon dioxide in soft drinks?

Yes it is.

Do trees help the earth?

they breath out oxygen for the humans and breath in carbon dioxide which helps the earth have less carbon dioxide

What do plants breath in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide?

Carbon Dioxide is used by plants for photosynthesis

What role do carbon dioxide play in the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

animals and people breath out carbon dioxide and plants use carbon dioxide

What is a gas that we breath out?

Carbon dioxide

Why do you breath out more carbon dioxide then you breath in?

You produce carbon dioxide through cellular respiration when you breath in air. Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide from converting oxygen into it through a long process and also produces energy.