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Rule 4. Capitalize titles when they are used before names, unless the title is followed by a comma. Do not capitalize the title if it is used after a name or instead of a name.


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Q: Do you capitalize first mate
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Do you capitalize first birthday in a sentence?

No, you do not capitalize "first birthday" in a sentence.

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You capitalize the first A but not the last a.

What do you capitalize in yours truly?

In "Yours truly," you capitalize the first letter of each word if you are using it as a complimentary close in a letter, as it is a formal sign-off.

When writing the title of an article do you capitalize only the first word?

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Capitalize the names of books of the Bible, such as Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Revelation, as it is a proper noun.

Are you supposed to capitalize the first word of a subtitle even if it's an?

Yes, according to most style guides, you should capitalize the first word of a subtitle even if it is an article, conjunction, or preposition. This helps maintain consistency and readability in your writing.

Which capitalization rule is incorrect A Capitalize the first word of every sentence B Capitalize the seasons of the year C Capitalize the months and days of the year?

C is incorrect. You do capitalize the first word of every sentence, and each of the seasons is a proper noun. Each of the months is a proper noun, too, but not the days. For example, you would not capitalize "fifth" in, "August fifth" or "first" in "the first of February."

Do you capitalize the word it's in a title?

Unless "it's" is the first word, there is no need to capitalize.

Do you have to capitalize alligator?

No, you never need to capitalize alligator unless it is the first word of the sentence.

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You do not capitalize chickenpox in a sentence. The exception is if the word is the first in the sentence.

Should you capitalize tobacco?

Unless it is the first word in a sentence, then you don't need to capitalize "tobacco."

What does a First mate do?

A first mate is in command of the ship when the sailor is sick.