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Q: Do you capitalize the word PowerPoint?
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How do you print from word to PowerPoint?

You can print from Word or print from PowerPoint. You cannot print from word to PowerPoint.

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Do you capitalize the word yo in spanish?

It is not necessary to capitalize the word "yo".

Do you capitalize drama?

No, you do not capitalize the word drama.

Do you capitalize the word a in a song title?

Yes, you must capitalize the first word, UNLESS it is a small word, such as "It" or "A" or "The".

Do authors use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint?

They would have much more use for Word than they would for Powerpoint, but they could use Powerpoint for some things.

Do you capitalize the word it's in a title?

Unless "it's" is the first word, there is no need to capitalize.

Can you capitalize the second word in the complimentary closing?

No, you do not capitalize the second word in the complimentary closing.

How and why you use Microsoft word excel and PowerPoint in IT?

Microsoft Office is an application software (i.e. Word, Excel, and Powerpoint). MS Word is used in word processing, MS Excel is used in spreadsheets, and MS Powerpoint is used in slide presentations.

What is the difference between Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word?

Word is meant for letter or document creation. Powerpoint is for presentation creation.

Do you capitalize the word spelling when you refer to Spelling words?

Only capitalize 'spelling' if it is the first word in a sentence.

When do you capitalize the word architect?

Capitalize the word architect only when it is part of a title.Example:Senior Architect, Joe Smith