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as a chemist the best answer i can give is that when inhaling ammonia a person is most likely to cough and gag.

aside from poisionous and unpleant gasses a person should be able to do all of the above in a gasious environment.

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Q: Do you cough sneeze or belch if something other than air comes through your vocal cords?
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Related questions

Where sneeze came from?

sneeze of course comes from the nose.

How is a sneeze different from a cough?

A sneeze is completely involuntary and cannot be stopped. A cough reflex is also involuntary, but it is sometimes possible to "hold it in". Coughing comes from the lungs while sneezing comes from the nose.

Do people vomit through their nose?

People will vomit through their mouth, but when it comes up through the esophagus in a rush it can be pushed up through the nose and therefore it can drip or spurt from your nose. *Another answer* It happened to me once, and caused me to have emetophobia.. its ruined my life and I havent vomited in 6 years..

Why do people sneeze through their mouths?

When you let out a normal, healthy sneeze, it's naturally directed through both our mouth and our nose. While the majority of the air almost always comes from the mouth (which is where most of the ACHOO sound comes from), a good deal of it also goes through the nose, helping to blow out mucus and whatever else was in your nose. That's why your nose stops tickling after you sneeze. But I think sneezing also helps get things out of our lungs and throat too, which is why a lot of the air's from the mouth.

How come when you squeeze your nose grease comes out?

When you sneeze, your body is saying 'shoot something went up nose or is in my system that shouldn't be there (dust/bacteria/dirt etc...) so I gotta get rid of it. When you sneeze your body emits the ' bad stuf' along with liquid either through the nose or mouth, so don't hold in your sneezes! let em out!

How much power is in a sneeze?

A sneeze typically releases air at a velocity of around 100 miles per hour, which equates to roughly 0.01 horsepower of power. This power comes from the force generated by the release of air and mucus when sneezing.

What is the first letter word that comes after sneeze?

its s hit

What is the definition of through?

hen something goes in and then comes out

What happens Every time you sneeze?

when you sneeze guess what happenssnot comes out of your nose and you sort of spit siliveri cant believe you didn't know that.

How much water comes out of your mouth when you sneeze?

Tens of thousands of tiny droplets fly out of your mouth when you sneeze, along with bits of mucus from your nose.

What is a cute sneeze?

a cute sneeze is when a an elephants farts really really loud and it gets up ur nose and suck it into ur brain and u left out a HUGE sneeze and all the gross gas comes out along with snot

The medical term sternutation comes from Latin verb sternuere What does that verb mean?

To sneeze