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Probably not. A doctor will have to check you out on why you can not get pregnant.

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Q: Do you have an STD why you can't get pregnant?
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What happends if a two month pregnant girl gets hit in the stomache?

They get STD's and DIE. most likely get a miscarriage. and you cant get an std that way

Can you get pregnant and get an STD at the same time?

You can get a STD and pregnant at the same time.

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No, you can not become pregnant but can catch an STD. So best to be cautious.

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No. You cant have a stud without the STD..

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No, but you can get a STD or infection.

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Sex does not change the body unless you get a STD or pregnant and then the pregnancy or STD make the body change.

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no unless she was recently ejaculated into by a guy, you might get a STD but not pregnant

After getting an STD i haven't been able to get pregnant?

STD's usually don't prevent pregnancy. Are you trying or are just wanting to know?

Is Vanessa pregnant with Zac Efons baby?

yes she is and she will have the baby in 2010no he did not get her pregnant but she gave him an std that's really true

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No you cant.

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no, it cant

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no you cant a sperm is what gets you pregnant