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The question you ask is more complicated than you might guess, because there is missing information. Here are some facts that may be helpful.

A cold sore, by definition, is caused by herpes. You can't have a cold sore that's not caused by herpes."Cold sore" is the common term for a blister or ulcer on the face caused by herpes simplex virus (either type 1 or type 2). There are other causes of facial blisters or ulcers, but these are not called cold sores. Herpes is a very common infection carried by the majority of adults.Just because this sore or blister wasn't caused by herpes, that doesn't mean you don't carry the virus. If the blister or sore was dried when it was tested, a false negative result is possible.Your health care provider can tell you whether this is a likely scenario in your particular case. If your cold sore wasn't caused by herpes, you may have one of these other illnesses or skin conditions.Aphthous ulcers, perlechiae, and burns can cause similar symptoms.
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Q: Do you have herpes if your cold sore wasn't caused by herpes?
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Is there a chance you might not have herpes even tho you have a cold sore?

Cold sores are caused by herpes virus. If you're not sure if what you see is a cold sore, you can see your health care provider to have it cultured.

Can cold sore related to chicken fox?

NO cold sores are not related to chicken pox, they are slightly different types of herpes. Cold sores are caused by the oral herpes virus, chicken pox are caused by herpes zooster.

Which bacteria is in cold sores?

There isn't any bacteria in cold sore, they are caused by a virus called oral herpes.

Is a cold sore a bacterial or viral?

Cold sores are a viral illness. They are caused by herpes simplex virus.

Why are there no scars left after a cold sore?

A cold sore is caused by the herpes simplex virus and will generally clear up in time. I did have one student in my classroom who kept picking at a cold sore and now has a scar in that area.

Can a Cold sore leading to herpes simplex two?

A cold sore can't lead to herpes simplex two; they are a different virus.

Is a cold sore a form of herpes?

Yes it is

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

What is herpes labialis?

it isan infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It leads to the development of small and usually painful blisters on the is also known as cold sore.

Is a cold sore a form of hepatitis?

The herpes virus causes cold sores to appear.

What is a cold sore flare up?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus. It never leaves your body once you get it. Periodically, usually during times of stress, the virus will appear on the surface of the body as a sore.

Is the common cold an active or inactive virus?

Cold sores are caused by a virus HSV-type 1.Yes oral herpes is a viral infection.