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Q: Do you have ready made science investigatory project?
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Why make an investigatory project of fruit batteries?

I'm assuming this is a school science project in which case the answers are: # The materials required are pretty cheap and easy to get hold of # The health and safety considerations are pretty easy # The minimum science involved to do the experiment and understand the basic results is reasonably accessible but a full explanation of everything going on would stretch a top ability high school graduate. # The results are pretty consistent so your teacher can assess if you have done it right. Hint - If your best battery is made with a banana and 2 copper electrodes you probably got it wrong........ In summary its a good science project that allows you to learn, show what you know and doesn't create 2 many problems for your school.

What are some popular science fair project ideas?

One of the most popular science fair project and one you see on television shows everywhere is the volcano made from baking soda and vinegar. Some more fresh and not so used ideas include the molding process of bread and the science behind growing crystals.

What should you include on a science fair board?

pictures of you and the project and don't forget to include your name and your teachers name and the date it was made

What are interesting science research projects?

How the results/data could be used in the real world (or by someone who didn't do the experiment).

What science project should you do that takes 5 days?

what I did for my science project was does taking caffiene afftect ones typing speed? i got a science award for that. If I were you I wouldn't try to plant something (personal experience) it either starts to smell or just doesn't grow. i also wouldn't use american cheese for a cheese molding experiment (its factory made and wont mold easily) the caffeine project takes 5 days to do it make the poster and check it over!

Related questions

What is an example of an investigatory project in plants?

You can have your investigatory project by using neem tree it can be made by cooking oil, pestiMcide,insecticide and others

Investigatory project about optics?

It would be great if questions like this one could be made easier to understand by the persons who ask them. What is the question really asking? * Is it asking for some help with an investigatory project about optics? * Or if there is an investigatory project about optics somewhere? * Or is it looking for an job or research opportunity to work on an investigatory project about optics? Please understand that this answer is only trying to help you! You would be much more likely to get a more useful answer than this one if you added some more words to describe exactly what you are asking for.

What is an investigatory project made from fruits?

wala huh!! manahimik ka na lang sa bahay nyo!!

Where can an investigatory project be found that is about fish food or the growth of fish fed different kinds of fish food?

you don't have to know where it is because it's right here now. I had made an investigatory project entitled The Effects of Different Types of Food on the Growth of Kataba (guppies) done on s.y. 2011-2012 individual investigatory project I-Special Science Class Prenza national High School it is only made in handwritten form it cannot be found nor be searched in the internet but you can send a message to me through facebook Mhel Policarpio or follow me on twitter @mhelpolicarpio but send first a message to me thanks! another investigatory is not about the fish's food but instead is entitled Lead-Acetate Induced Histopathological Changes in the Gills and Digestive Tract of Silver Sailfin Molly (Poecilia latipinna) a project done in other country

Where can you get ready made projects for disaster management for class 10th?

ready made project on generating awarness in disaster management

What is the best hypothesis for a lava lamp science project?

A hypothesis for a science project is a proposed explanation made on limited evidence as a starting point for the investigation. The best hypothesis for a science project of a lava lamp would be based off of the given information and a prediction of the result of the investigation.

What is a name for a science project about krypton?

if super man had balls they would be made of krypton

What investigatory project about cigarette?

An investigatory project about cigarettes could focus on the harmful effects of smoking on the environment, human health, or social impacts. This project could involve conducting research on the chemicals in cigarettes, their impact on air quality and pollution, the health risks of smoking, or the economic and social costs associated with tobacco use. The project may also include experimenting with alternatives to traditional cigarettes, such as e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapies.

Who had an investigatory project about the rejected tomatoes made into flour can you please help me?

me you can make it by slicing it into small pieces and get all the seeds .... after that place it into a stainless container and place it under the sun for four days then grinding is the last procedure...

Why make an investigatory project of fruit batteries?

I'm assuming this is a school science project in which case the answers are: # The materials required are pretty cheap and easy to get hold of # The health and safety considerations are pretty easy # The minimum science involved to do the experiment and understand the basic results is reasonably accessible but a full explanation of everything going on would stretch a top ability high school graduate. # The results are pretty consistent so your teacher can assess if you have done it right. Hint - If your best battery is made with a banana and 2 copper electrodes you probably got it wrong........ In summary its a good science project that allows you to learn, show what you know and doesn't create 2 many problems for your school.

Difference between Product Testing and Project Testing?

Project based is nothing but client requirements. product based is nothing but market requirements. Ex.striching shirt is a project based and ready made shirt is product based.

Is cancer a science project?

At the high school I attended, someone who would have graduated in the Class of 1975 used cancer as her science project. It was a very in-depth project discussing aggressive cancer and all the things they did at the time to treat that disease. What made the project special was she was the one who had the cancer, and she basically kept a diary of her day-to-day life. IIRC she won the International Science and Engineering Fair in 1973 and died in 1974.So yes, you can use cancer as your science project. Hopefully you won't have to use YOUR cancer.